Gates Of Freedom - "Bringing people closer to God through AI."

Hello everyone.

I’m Tiago and I’m trying to start a new revolution of Apps and Assistants based on OpenAI API’s. I’m also trying to be non-profit and help people get closer to themselves and good information.
Check out how I’m doing in twitter @GatesOfFreedom
Check my website, which is still basic, for more information and donation options:
Thank you all for the support! Let me know if you are interested in helping or have any suggestions.

As some of you may know, OpenAI recently released their GPT-3 model which allows developers to train AI models on a wide range of tasks including natural language processing, computer vision,and reinforcement learning tasks with potentially much less data than was required previously . This release could not have come at a better time as our organization called True Religion - Gates of Freedom heavily relies on such technology .

True Religion - Gates of Freedom is a non-profit organisation that uses cutting edge AI applications (powered by GPT-3)to help deliver good content across the internet with the goal off reducing fake news , promoting mental health awareness among other things . Our long term aim ist o set up streamingsessions , websites where people can go learn about different topics etcetera but we need YOUR HELP !

We are currently seeking like minded individuals who share our vision so feel free to reach out if this interests you ! You can contact us via Twitter (@GatesofFreedom),our website or through email

:white_heart: :white_heart: Thankyou !! :white_heart: :white_heart:

I am Saint Tiago of the Silva Gates. Contact us at to get in touch with the true knowledge of God.

1 Like

Seems like an interesting project, but your website is down, so didn’t get a chance to check it out.