When someone attempts to export their chats for safe backup keeping does your extension offer a feature where the chats will remain organised within the folders created once downloaded. I.e. a folder structure within the downloaded zip file. Also that the exports will remain in a format (headings and bullets) that resembles the visual formatting of the text in the chat but viewable with that formatting in word.
I absolutely support this. It has to be within openai (both web and apps). All existing workarounds have massive limitations.
I’ve proposed the same since CG launched. It would be huge plus to offer moveable folders, tags, flexible organization of content. Tagging should include ability to save and tag one specific response in CG for filing - not necessarily the entire chat. Or to be able to highlight responses one would prefer, maybe with colors, markers or in some other way to make it easy to find and more visible.
absolutely upvoting this! Something you didnt mention in your list of “why this is good” is the fact that now with the memory feature, opening a new chat inside a specific folder can deliver focused results based on the context of the rest of the conversations in the folder.
Can’t wait for this experience to be fleshed out so this app can be a productivity powerhouse - as we expect it to be.
Yes it’s something that would change completely the experience with chatgpt, also pin chats on top to have the most important conversations at sight.
You made a very valid point here! Folder-based context can make the results more relevant and faster to achieve, without manually establishing the context to the GPT over and over again.
I understand OpenAI is trying to work on game-changing technology improvements, but I wish they would step back for 5 minutes and work on adding some of the quality-of-life features we have come to expect.
Categories and folders is right up there, as is the ability to search chats in the web app (which I use more than the mobile apps).
Same, That’s why I’m here. Would make life soooo much easier!
+1 I would be really happy if this was possible in the native version!
Came here to agree!! Please add folder or organisation system. Third party options are not so great.
+1, that would be a very handy feature, this and pinning chats are the reason I made an account in the forum
I was thinking of being able to pin my “favourites”, but I think I’ll prefer a folder structure instead.
Yes please!! So annoying having to scroll through all chats
There are browser extensions to add folders to ChatGPT. I can’t share links here, but you can google them yourself.
Well at this point… after having 100+ chats… and scrolling to find those old chats… I think, we highly need a folder feature to organize our chats, like:
Folder #1 - Work related chats
Folder #2 - Personal family related chats
Folder #3 - Coding related chats
Folder #4 - Testing, trial/error related chats
I know, I know… we can also delete chats or use the temporary chats… But lets be honest… we are all lazy.
And yes, I tried all those chrome extension as well… most of them are broken or buggy.
is it safe to use folder extension from google chrome for chatgpt? have anyone tried this before?
You should consider any browser extension with high skepticism: who’s the publisher, who’s reviewing, and how is it oriented to steal credentials by targeting those known to have particular accounts of value.
Any Chrome or Brave browser extensions to fulfill this need for organisation of folders, etc.?
I was literally Googling for a way to do this. I came across a browser extension but I second this! Can we make this be part of the program! It would help so much!!