FAQ topic: 12 Days of OpenAI - Release Updates

A common solution to some common ChatGPT problems

  1. Can’t find the ChatGPT feature.
  2. The ChatGPT feature is no longer working as expected.

posted on this forum in the days since the 12 days of OpenAI started.

The first is to note that recent ChatGPT changes are moving options into the ChatGPT toolbox, the middle icon in the image below between the paper clip icon and the globe icon.

The second is to note that ChatGPT Capabilities can be toggled on/off and disabled for new chats.

  1. Click the colored circle with a letter in it.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select Personalization.
  4. For Custom instructions, click On.
  5. At the bottom of the dialog, look for