Export ChatGPT Voice Conversation as Audio File or mp3 or to cloud

According to # Privacy & Controls on https://help.openai.com/en/articles/8400625-voice-chat-faq#h_0173d3c9e3, we can only share audio but can’t download it (it’s stored somewhere where getting access to it is not part of the documentation).

My questions is:

Are we able to export/download our conversations using voice as audio file/mp3?

Should this be a great exchange of value if we also allow OpenAI to listen to our voices and learn from it?


Good question, I’m wondering the same thing. :thinking:

That’s a nice idea.
It’s currently not possible though. Audio conversations are stored as text conversations in your chat history. And that can be downloaded via data export.

I know there is a chrome extension to download chatgpt response as an audio. That is AudioTTS. Have you try?


It works.

Can you give an option to change the format? eg. mp3?