Error: "The model produced invalid content"

When I switched to gpt-4o I started getting these errors that I never got using previous models

Status: 500

   "error": {
     "message": "The model produced invalid content. Consider modifying your prompt if you are seeing this error persistently.",
    "type": "model_error",
    "param": null,
    "code": null

I can’t confirm but this seems to happen when the model tries to call a function after exchanging some messages
Sometime I try again and it works, sometimes it gets stuck
I anyone else having these issues?


I got exactly the same error but with gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 model. Changed the api key but didn’t help. First time when getting error code 500. It doesn’t seem to be really related to message itself.

same situation. have a tool call in messages. maybe that is triggering the error. hope it gets resolved soon.

I think I got it fixed. In case the issue was due to a bit of a mix up in my code. I was mixing the new tools mechanism with the old function calling mechanism and somehow that was passing through in the older models. The new gpt-4o model seems to be more strict about that issue but after fixing following the new tools API correctly the issues seems to be gone, at least for now.

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I am getting this error a lot like 3 out of 10 times - don’t know why — does anyone know what’s the solution for it

if we take it the error at face value, it is a problem at openai side. having retry mechanisms in place, although not ideal, seems to resolve the issue.

I’ve tried updating to the latest API version and changing the way I call tools and tools_choice, but I’m still getting the same error. Have you had a similar error again? Or have you already solved it with this? Because if you have had it again it would give me the clue that OpenAI has not yet been able to solve it on their side, but if you have not had it again, it would mean that I am still writing something wrong in my code.
From now on thank you very much for any answer :smiley:

Once i fixed the way I was using tools I never got this error message again.
Make sure you’re passing all the right ids, function names and parameters in the right orders and you should be good to go

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Thank you very much @paulotaylor

Did you got this problem resolved?

I am seeing influx of these intermittent errors being reported for my web app which is using latest versions of openai and langchain libs.

Started happening recently (couple of weeks)

Below is the call stack

APIError(‘The model produced invalid content. Consider modifying your prompt if you are seeing this error persistently.’)Traceback (most recent call last):

File “/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/langchain_core/language_models/”, line 395, in astream
async for chunk in self._astream(

File “/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/langchain_openai/chat_models/”, line 1680, in _astream
async for chunk in super()._astream(*args, **kwargs):

File “/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/langchain_openai/chat_models/”, line 603, in _astream
async for chunk in response:

File “/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/”, line 147, in aiter
async for item in self._iterator:

File “/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/”, line 174, in stream
raise APIError(

openai.APIError: The model produced invalid content. Consider modifying your prompt if you are seeing this error persistently.

Noticed someone on X talking about this

I first reverted the agent model to older gpt4-turbo model but left the tools to gpt-4o.
That seems to work.

But i gave claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620 for agent model and seems to work fine. Going to explore sonet more…

Hey all, I’m still getting this error. I’m not using tools, and it’s a pizza ordering voicebot, so it shouldn’t be producing any sort of risky content.

I am streaming (this is a hard req). It seems to output the first few tokens before stopping. Is there a way to catch this error from within the async loop?