Error creating image, only me?

Generator of images is not working, is it just with me? It’s been like this for three days now.

“It appears the issue with generating images persists. While we wait for this to be resolved, I’m here to help with any other requests or information you might need. Please feel free to ask about anything else!”

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I just checked. It works for me. You can consider reaching out to the support team but it normally takes 1 month to get an answer so I would just wait.


I can’t generate images too. I’ve tried resetting the computer, open a new conservation, … and it didn’t work. I asked it to make an image of a cat, and it said: “I can’t generate images directly, but I can help describe a cat or give you ideas for creating or finding one! What kind of cat image are you thinking of? For example, are you looking for a specific breed, a particular color pattern, or a cat in a specific setting?” There is an image below.