Error after error tonight

I’m afraid that in my world the midichlorians answer to none but the Sith.

I understand exactly what’s going on. After recent kerfuffles, OpenAI is afraid of its own shadow. Somebody with a lawyer whispers “I don’t like that” and they add more restrictions. We are way off the deep end with respect to what constitutes assuring “ethical” behavior.

If I have a file that I can open, read, excerpt from, and otherwise interact with, then ChatGPT should be willing to summarize and extract from that file as well. Were I inclined, which I am not, I could always go find stuff by hand and publish it, pretending that it’s mine. Does that mean that all the PDF readers and editors out there need to turn off their search features so that they aren’t complicit in copyright violation?

There is irony here. How do news organizations generate their content? Well, they dig around on the net and find things, dig around in books and magazines, read other newspapers, go through public documents, dig into people’s personal affairs, and not infrequently dig through people’s trash. Having done all of that they summarize what the’ve found, print quotes, extract quantitative data, then sell the result of those efforts.

In short, NYT isn’t worried about copyright violation. They are worried about the fact that AI is doing exactly the same things that NYT and other news outlets do every day of the week ending in y, and that AI is going to end up outcompeting them right into oblivion.

If you look at the relative sizes of the AI industry and the newspaper industry, the AI industry could already swat the newspaper industry like a fly. Instead of defending themselves against NYT, OpenAI in collaboration with others should just buy NYT outright, hire lots more investigative journalists, double all of their salaries, and let them start generating the best content in the world specifically so that AI can interact with it.

AI is going to remake the world in many ways. One of those ways is that AI will destroy the current framework for generating and distributing content. If done well, that change will serve the interests of folk like you and I, while putting big media outfits out of business. If OpenAI even begins to believe its own hype, it should not be backing down on these issues. It should be fighting to bring about the sorts of changes that would actually help realize their vision.


Try Claude on your novel. It does summaries extremely well, and will deal with much larger documents.


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Nah, they’re using generative AI now too. Sports Illustrated and someone else got caught last year doing it without saying it was AI. They said they’d farmed out the content and was assured it was real lol

Way back in 2005, though, they were starting to automate the writing of sports stories (scores mostly, game rundowns, easy stuff) without an LLM! The tech kinda scares me because what if modern journalists just “ChatGPT it” instead of doing the research!

But yeah, it’s a strange (brave) new world we’re slowly shifting into at an increasingly accelerated pace. Things will keep changing, I’m sure.

They lost partially on one of the lawsuits recently, didn’t they? Or they had it not thrown out? I’m not a court-hound, so I haven’t followed it too closely. Too much interesting stuff to keep up with everything these days! :wink:

Thanks. I’m running all the models through their paces now. GPT-4-turbo is more of a “chat” model and doesn’t do fiction well. OpenRouter is making it easy to get access to lots of models…

Seems my thread was hijacked lol. As for the person asking if I also told it what I wanted, yes I have explained very thoroughly what I want. The problem just seems to be with uploads. It’ll generate images with just prompt, but sometimes I can’t explain accurately.

Yes, I did. I am using the image as an example. I have been having this problem since Saturday.

Sorry, I’m new from this community since i never have problem with ChatGPT until now.

During the process to find examples of instance() usage in Godot 4 from community forums, I initiated searches with specific queries aimed at locating discussions or posts in non-official sources like Reddit or other Godot community forums. However, the attempts to click through to detailed discussions or posts from the search results encountered a technical limitation, specifically an unknown_function_name: click error. This indicates an inability to execute the action to access the content within these pages due to the current operational constraints of the browsing tool.

This limitation prevented me from directly accessing and presenting specific examples or detailed explanations from community forums regarding the instance() method’s usage in Godot 4. Despite repeated attempts to navigate to these resources, the technical constraints within this environment limited the ability to retrieve and share the detailed content you’re seeking.

In this context, the successful method involves identifying relevant search results that likely contain the requested information. However, accessing and extracting specific details from these results is hindered by the mentioned limitations. For the most direct and detailed insights into instance() usage in Godot 4, especially nuanced examples or community-shared practices, directly visiting community forums and discussion boards remains the recommended approach.

I know, right? I have Google Gemini as well, but I find myself turning to Poe fairly often even though it’s the one I don’t pay for. What I found particularly annoying is that there was no way to get through to any help, and for me ChatGPT was out of commission for a couple of days.
Given the rate at which AI is changing, it’s not unreasonable to expect some growing pains. I’m chalking my outage to that, but I feel your pain with “I have stuff to get done that I need an AI for”. For someone like me, interrupting my flow can derail a day.

Yeah I’m experiencing this all the time.
We’re about to finish a project - but cannot count on GPT.

I have no special insight, but I do have a lot of experience as a user. Perhaps, by generating a summary of the article based on new research… it may “learn” the material. Since it’s new information, it may present the information to clients. Those clients and Open AI could potentially profit and perhaps be open to litigation. These are emerging issues and the process of AI integration is bound to be a bumpy ride. My guess is the learning models need ajusting so that copyright issues will not be a problem. It’s evolving and this may be a growing pain. Or it’s a random problem based on something else entirely.