"Edit GPT" leads to blank screen

Hi folks. Experimenting with Zapier AI Actions + Custom GPTs and today realized that when I go to edit my GPT:

I get a blank screen:

Swapping browsers, clearing cache, and incognito don’t work, and this is the only GPT I am having issues with. I have others that use Zapier AI actions with no issues.

Thanks ahead of time for your ideas and suggestions.

Absolutely loving GPT-building so far!

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I just tested this and I can successfully edit a GPT.

Is your problem ongoing or perhaps just a glitch?

I can edit all my GPTs except 1. Now it just shows this error instead of a blank screen:

… Yeah, okay that sounds buggy.

[blah blah blah to meet minimum post requirement]

Wohoo! It’s fixed!

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@Benito did you have to do anything (wait for ages?) or did it just come back to life? I too have a GPT that just opens a blank screen when I try to edit it. I have other GPTs that I’m able to edit. The problem with this one GPT happens on multiple devices/browsers/etc.

The differences I can think of between this GPT and other are that (1) it has an Action defined that GETs data from a remote API and (2) it has a few Knowledge docs uploaded. I guess it probably does have a more in-depth Instructions than my other GPTs, but not by much.

@cjj1977 Yep, just waited a few days and it came back to life. To your point, GPTs with knowledge and actions sometimes break/disappear and come back to life. I suspect they’re fixing something in the background and your GPTs will be back to normal for you in no time!

Yeah, that just worked for me too. :shrug:

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