Discover the Future of Research Consumption with SummarizePaper

:wave: Hey everyone, I want to share my project with you all with its new features! :rocket:

:page_facing_up: Introducing SummarizePaper - an innovative approach to consuming research papers that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to provide users with paper summaries. It’s open-source and uses LangChain. You can check it out at

:robot: But that’s not all! I’ve also added a virtual assistant that can answer questions about one or multiple papers, and I’ve created trees for each paper showing the closest related papers. :deciduous_tree:

:man_technologist: It’s also open-source and uses LangChain, so anyone can join in on the fun. The project is available on GitHub at GitHub - summarizepaper/summarizepaper: An AI-powered arXiv paper summarization website with a virtual assistant for answering questions..

:raised_hands: I’d be happy to hear your thoughts/suggestions about all features, so don’t hesitate to share your feedback! :speech_balloon:

:raised_hands: Also, I’ve had a lot of visitors to the website so it starts being expensive to run, but I want to keep it free for everyone. If you have any ideas on how to proceed, feel free to PM me. Let’s keep the research community thriving! :muscle:

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