Deep search, will it really come out today?

Hi, I saw the latest announcement today for deep search and that it was coming out tonight for pro users…

did they mean japan’s time or usa’s time? most of the us is close to or past midnight… while in japan its 3pm…

can’t wait to use it…

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Wondering if there is a staggered roll out. Some pro users have access, but I do not. Beware doing a site search for “deep research”, you may land on a custom gpt with the same name, but which is not the same thing (don’t ask me how I know :slight_smile: )

Haven’t heard of any pro user that has it so far… any source for some claiming they already got it?

I upgraded to pro immediately to check deep search but I did not have a button enabled. Its going to be out for plus in a month anyway. Saddest part is its accuracy according HLE is only 26%. So, it can’t be used for real research. Also, we wouldn’t know which part of research result is true and untrue.

I have it this morning. Selected 4o, then had to refresh browser and the “deep research” button was added at bottom of chat box.

same, I had it the next morning. I was kinda upset it didn’t perform that well the first few times I tried it. I might give it another shot in the future. It’s weird, I feel like operator and deep search hasn’t been performing all that well, I end up trying it and giving up and forgetting about it when I don’t think the quality is quite there yet. Same for sora. o3-mini-high delivered, o1-pro delivered.

I bearly use advanced voice mode, but I think the quality is there. I think what I miss the most on it is the screen sharing while talking to it. Maybe that has come out and I just didn’t see it since I use linux.

the text models are the biggest thing for me right now. I hope in the future to give it another go at sora, operator and deep search - I might wait a few months though. I’m not sure if this will be a few months of a few years thing, but here’s to trusting openai team - has worked out great so far.

Just a quick heads-up for users from the UK, EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Switzerland: Access will be granted at a later point in time.

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