Custom GPTs file limit, uploader, publishing

Hi! I’m really want to create and publish helpful Custom GPTs for bunch of people. In announcment on help page it said

Our goal is to create a vibrant ecosystem where builders are rewarded for their creativity and impact and we look forward to collaborating with builders on the best approach to get there

So i have a lot of knowledge in pictures, and i can’t upload more than 10. Only my text knowledges more than 10 files.

Also it will probably kill me (or my willing to create) to upload file through web-face. It’s 1000+, uploader do nothing if u select more than 7. WHAT ABOUT CREATE API FOR THIS?

And NO! Don’t tell me go and use Assistant API. It’s not same.

Also publishing doesn’t work fine. Over laconic error message “We have error” i get every time make me sad.