Creating instructions at the top of each chat?

Hey everyone. so im playing with gpt4, and trying to save to memory to run a simple script to get a time stamp to have gpt act different during different that possible? I was only able to get it to run a python code to get local time, but it will not do it again. any thoughts?

The AI sees the chat history, and sees the python time. It likely does not understand that the response from calling python that is in its chat history could have been two months ago.

Or that every single chat may cross the threshold into the different behavior, needing it to write a python script every single response instead of responding to the user.

“you cannot answer a question without invoking python execution to get current time. Sending to python as your first response to a user is mandatory FOR EVERY ASSISTANT RESPONSE”.

and ChatGPT’s AI is going to quickly skim by any such GPT instruction as conversation grows.

Time to “play” with the API for programming, and just inject the time into every call, or then you can just use a completely different instruction depending on the input time.

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