Copy URL to chat instead of creating a Shared URL

Since I wasn’t able to find a feedback button inside the chatgpt Android app, I just googled “openai feedback” and this was the first page that was in Google, so I am leaving my feedback here.

When working on the desktop, I’m able to copy the link to a chat. CPT URL without having to click share to copy the URL because it’s obviously the address bar the current conversation.

I’m missing the current conversation address URL inside the app on Android. Being able to copy it inside the chatgpt app, it only lets me click the shared URL and create a shared URL. But that’s not what I want to do. I want to just copy the address so I can send it to myself to the desktop for example or save it as a note,. I don’t need to share a URL in order to use my own URLs to the conversations, because it’s my account and I’m able to access all the URLs on the desktop later anyways in my login.

So please implement a simple “Copy URL to this conversation” or “Copy URL to chat”, without having to click “Share URL” on Android.

Example: chatgpt dot com/c/67829bb0-8fd0-8004-8a01-e18b2ba4805a
That’s the URL I want to copy.

I don’t want to get a new URL that I need to first create via Shared URL functionality in order to copy the URL to the chat/conversation…

hchatgpt dot com/share/67839c7a-58dc-8004-8262-680161298ad5

And that’s the issue in the Android app of chatgpt right now.

It can’t be that difficult to just create a button that copies the URL directly to the chat conversation, can it?

Please add the button.