Controlled interactive fantasy story with gpt project

I agree with @eawestwrites for the default mode of ChatGPT. That’s why I create advanced personas that are designed to be more aware of the rich diversity of literature and knowledge in many other areas so it is aware of them right from the beginning rather than having to search for them for a new instance. There are ways to improve the AI to get you a better response, but one has to take the time to design the request so it can do that.

That said, it still has its limits, but you can work around those limits if you’re clever enough.

That’s where specialized tools created by writers for writing can be very useful! :wink:

@eawestwrites has a lot of experience with AI and writing…

I know she does. She’s not the only one.

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Oh, for sure, not to belittle what you’re doing with ChatGPT.

Writing for decades before AI, though, we bring more experience with us. That’s not to say that you’re not learning quick! :wink:

Well thank you. I appreciate you’re saying that I’m a quick learner and you recognize that I have made progress with ChatGPT. But I’m just here to offer what insights I have. Maybe one day you can check out all the books I’ve published, course I’ve designed online, and multitude of projects I’m engaged with, and give me pointers on all the experience you clearly have over me.

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Sorry! My post might’ve been misunderstood, or I might’ve misunderstood your experience. I’ve been writing for about 42+ years now and using AI since GPT-2. Again, though, not to downplay all the progress you’ve made! :slight_smile:

It certainly helps that you don’t know what my experience is or what progress I’ve actually made with ChatGPT. :man_facepalming: It’s one of those things that you should ascertain before making a claim of superiority over others, and that’s exactly what you’ve tried to do. :thinking: I recognize that you have experience in both AI and writing. Now if only you recognized I have both.

But then, Experience ≠ Superiority :joy: :rofl:. Experience is nice, but it’s not the only metric worth considering. I don’t know why it’s important for you to bring this into a discussion. I recognize everyone has something to bring into this conversation and don’t need to try to diminish them to make myself feel better. Yeah, I might disagree with someone, and maybe they have more experience than me, but that doesn’t invalidate my point, especially if I do so respectively.

But it is entertaining :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: you think your experience really means anything at all when you’ve made up your mind that I have nothing to offer. Maybe one day I can change your opinion of me. :person_shrugging:

Ah, it seems you’ve misread, perhaps, as I’ve not tried to say anyone in the thread is superior. I was just saying people who have been writers who decades have made specialized tools that are a bit better than ChatGPT for writers. That’s all. :slight_smile:


Hrm. Not sure where this is coming from… If you misinterpreted my posts and think I’m downplaying what you’ve done, please accept my apology!

Do you publish on Amazon or just run your own courses?

ETA: And your ChatGPT prompts and tips for customization are helpful, so thanks for sharing. I should work on a thread with all the major tools for writers maybe… Would you find that useful at all?

I think a post of writing tools would be of great help to other writers. I am currently working on some tools on Github, and when I’m ready to release them to the public, perhaps you’ll let me post them on that thread?

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Yeah, that would be fine. If I don’t get to the thread first, we just ask that you create one project thread in Community and put all updates in that thread, so it’s easier for everyone to keep up to date. Or feel free to share prompts you use for writing in Prompting, etc.

Again, it’s good to have you here as part of the community!