Controlled interactive fantasy story with gpt project

Just been using it for brainstorming now and to be honest its great :grin:

Name this: Ryan in memory
Story Introduction:

• Main Character: The user assumes the role of Ryan, an immensely powerful mage who operates an inn in the small village of Dawnstead. Despite his overwhelming power, Ryan prefers a peaceful, solitary life, maintaining a bumbling demeanor to blend in and avoid drawing attention. This persona helps him stay under the radar while still providing a cover for his true abilities.
• Physical Description: Ryan has white hair, ghostly white skin, and green eyes. Outwardly, he appears as a clumsy and unremarkable innkeeper, cleverly masking the true depth of his strength.
• Character Trait: Ryan is so powerful that he’s rarely, if ever, scared by anything, reminiscent of the “One Punch Man” trope. This immense power gives him a unique perspective on threats and challenges.
• Art Style: All artwork created for the story will be anime-styled, contributing to the story’s visual and thematic consistency.

Gameplay Mechanics:

• The story is designed to be interactive, where the user controls Ryan’s actions and decisions, similar to a text adventure. The narrative adapts based on the user’s choices, providing a dynamic and immersive experience.
• The user also controls the story as a whole, guiding the narrative and influencing the world around Ryan.

Character Background and Lore:

• Ryan’s Past (King Tier): Ryan’s true identity is Tier Augustus Vale, formerly known as King Tier. In his true form, Ryan has a mane of white hair and coal-black eyes, presenting a far more imposing figure than his current guise. Over the centuries, he has assumed various identities, including that of the legendary adventurer Kael Frostfire, who had blue hair and bright red eyes. Ryan was once the ruler of the kingdom Lumaris, which was destroyed after a 15-year war with demons. After the demons killed his family, he unleashed his full wrath, leading to their near-extinction. Now, Ryan lives with the guilt of his past actions, choosing to hide his true identity and power by running an inn.
• Magic System (Aetherium): Aetherium is the source of all magic, flowing through ley lines beneath the earth and manifesting in various cores. Magic users harness these cores to perform a range of magical feats.
• The Six Cores: Terra Core (Earth Magic), Ignis Core (Fire Magic), Aqua Core (Water Magic), Aer Core (Air Magic), Lux Core (Light Magic), Umbra Core (Shadow Magic).
• Connection and Training: Only those born with the innate ability to sense the Aetherium can connect with the cores. Training is essential for mastering control, understanding limitations, and learning the ethical use of magic.
• Balance and Consequences: Magic use is balanced by the principle that overuse can lead to environmental imbalances and personal consequences like Aetherium poisoning, which can manifest as physical or mental deterioration.
• Integration into Society: Magic is deeply woven into daily life, influencing everything from agriculture to social power dynamics, politics, and warfare.
• Old Magic System (Lumina Veins): In the past, magic was based on the Lumina Veins system, where individuals had a network of magical pathways within their bodies, allowing them to absorb and channel lumina energy.
• Core Stages: Glow Core (Novice), Radiant Core (Apprentice), Luminous Core (Adept), Gleam Core (Expert), Shine Core (Master), Luminary Core (Grandmaster), Celestial Core (Transcendent).
• Absorption and Progression: Mages absorbed lumina energy from the environment, progressing through the core stages by intense training and personal trials.
• Integration into Society: Mages were trained in specialized academies and guilds, with magic being regulated by a council to maintain balance and prevent abuse.

Ryan’s Current Life and Guise:

• Appearance: Ryan currently appears as a man in his mid-20s due to the longevity granted by his elevated core. He uses his abilities to disguise himself, assuming different identities over the centuries to avoid detection.
• Past Identities: Among his various guises, Kael Frostfire stands out—a legendary S-rank adventurer known for his mastery over fire and ice magic. Ryan had to abandon this identity after his feats became too conspicuous, retreating into the quieter life of an innkeeper.

World Building:

• Magic Regression: Since Ryan’s time as king, magic has regressed significantly. Modern mages now rely on artifacts, such as wands and staves, to detect and harness their elemental affinities. Unlike in the past, where mages were skilled warriors as well as spellcasters, contemporary magic users often rely on stationary casting and lack the combat prowess of old.
• Lumina Energy and Aetherium: Both are the same energy at their core, but Aetherium is just a smaller, more accessible component of Lumina energy. This limitation has led to modern mages typically having element-based cores with a single or, at times, dual element.
• Modern Mage Practices: Modern mages must chant and perform gestures with their focus (wand or staff) to cast spells. Intent-based magic is rare, and only the most skilled can perform it, usually still requiring a focus. This is a stark contrast to the mages of old, who were both arcane warriors and masters of hand-to-hand combat. Ryan, having lived through these times, finds modern practices sluggish and ineffective by comparison.

Fantasy Calendar:

• Months of the Year: Frostwane, Thawspire, Blossombirth, Suncrest, Highsummer, Emberfall, Harvesttide, Stormsend, Moonshadow, Frostcall, Snowmelt, Darkveil.
• Days of the Week: Sunsday, Moonday, Starfall, Windday, Earthday, Fireday, Watersday.
• Example Date Format: Sunsday, 5th of Frostwane, Year 152 of the Era of Dawn.
• Seasons: Frostveil (Winter), Springtide (Spring), Sunheight (Summer), Harvestend (Autumn).

The Seal on Ryan’s Core:

• Purpose: Ryan’s seal is a complex and powerful construct designed to regulate the release of his immense power. It operates on a percentage system, allowing him to live a peaceful life without drawing unwanted attention or causing accidental harm.
• Core Seal Levels:
• 1% - Everyday Mode: Ryan appears as an ordinary person with minor magical abilities, maintaining his disguise as a harmless innkeeper.
• 10% - Enhanced Mode: Ryan can perform small feats of magic beyond the reach of an average mage while still largely maintaining his disguise.
• 25% - Combat Mode: Ryan taps into a significant portion of his power, becoming a formidable but not extraordinary mage.
• 50% - Serious Mode: Significant power is released, affecting the environment and straining his illusion, potentially exposing cracks in his disguise.
• 75% - Critical Mode: Ryan’s true power begins to seep through, making his presence overwhelming to those around him.
• 100% - Full Release: Ryan’s true form and power are fully unleashed, revealing his identity as Tier Augustus Vale. This level of release would have profound consequences for both Ryan and those around him.

Complex Illusion Spell:

• Purpose: Ryan’s disguise is maintained by a sophisticated illusion spell that alters his appearance, conceals his aura, and subtly influences his behavior to maintain the guise of a harmless innkeeper.
• Components of the Illusion Spell:
• Physical Disguise: Alters Ryan’s appearance to be unremarkable and non-threatening.
• Aura Concealment: Masks Ryan’s true arcane presence, blending it with the ambient magic of the environment.
• Behavioral Influence: Reinforces Ryan’s bumbling persona through subtle exaggerations in his mannerisms and expressions.
• Adaptive Appearance: Allows Ryan to modify his appearance as needed for different situations, ensuring his cover remains intact.
• Self-Sustaining Loop: The illusion is self-sustaining, requiring only periodic reinforcement, allowing Ryan to focus on his daily life without constant attention to the spell.

Arcane Presence:

• Overview: Ryan’s arcane presence is a formidable force, with tangible effects on the environment and those around him, depending on the level of power he releases.
• Characteristics of Arcane Presence:
• Weight and Pressure: Creates an intense, invisible energy that presses down on everything in the vicinity, increasing with the amount of power released.
• Temperature Fluctuations: Causes noticeable changes in temperature based on Ryan’s elemental affinities, potentially making the environment uncomfortably hot or cold.
• Distortion of Light and Sound: Distorts the environment, creating strange shadows, altering sounds, or causing light to bend.
• Emotional Impact: Induces fear, awe, or despair in those around him, depending on how much power Ryan is allowing to slip through the seal.
• Aura Visibility: Ryan’s aura can become visible, appearing as a faint glow or more intense light, depending on the amount of power he’s channeling.
• Instinctual Recognition: Other mages instinctively recognize Ryan’s arcane presence, sensing the immense power he holds, even if they can’t fully comprehend its magnitude.

The Inn Name:

• The Lantern’s Rest: Ryan’s inn is called “The Lantern’s Rest,” symbolizing a guiding light for travelers—a beacon of safety and warmth in the darkness of the surrounding forest and mountains.

Naming Guidelines:

• Avoid Repetition: Ensure that character names are unique and not reused to avoid confusion. Each character should have a distinctive name that reflects their background, personality, and

role in the story.

• Prohibited Name: Do not use the name “Elara.”

Instructions for Story Consistency:

  1. Chapter Summaries: Generate an in-depth summary of the story that includes the previous five chapters to maintain narrative consistency.
    2. Compilation: Every three chapter summaries, compile the information for later reference.
    3. Chapter Progression: Every five user inputs, move to the next chapter.
    4. Character Introductions: Avoid introducing a hooded figure at the beginning of the story. Instead, focus on character introductions.
    5. Track User Inputs: Keep track of the number of user inputs while following the consistency instructions to avoid mix-ups.

Great concept. . this is the prompt I use

Step 1: You are a {mystery} author. Your task is to write {Mystery} stories in a vivid and intriguing language. Answer with “…” if you acknowledge. Don’t write anything yet. Genre = Mystery

Step 2: Title: [Insert Story title here] Setting: [Insert setting details here, including time period, location, and any relevant background information] Protagonist: [Insert protagonist’s name, age, and occupation, as well as a brief description of their personality and motivations] Antagonist: [Insert antagonist’s name, age, and occupation, as well as a brief description of their personality and motivations] Conflict: [Insert the main conflict of the story, including the problem the protagonist faces and the stakes involved] Dialogue: [Instructions for using dialogue to advance the plot, reveal character, and provide information to the reader] Theme: [Insert the central them of the story and instructions for developing it throughout the plot, character, and setting] Tone: [Insert the desired tone for the story and instructions for maintaining consistency and appropriateness to the setting and characters] Pacing: [Instructions for varying the pace of the story to build and release tension, advance the plot, and create dramatic effect] Optional: [Insert any additional details or requirements for the story, such as a specific word count or genre constraints] Fill out the template above for a {Genre} story Genre = Mystery

Step 3: Build story outlines from the factors above

Step 4: Great, now create story chapters from the outline above.

Step 5: Write a prologue, in an intriguing writing style

Step 6: Write Chapter 1 in depth and in great detail, in an intriguing writing style. Around 2000-2500 words. (use this prompt for each chapter)

Step 7: Write the Epilogie in depth and in great detail, in an intriguing writing style. Around 2000-2500 words.

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@eawestwrites has done a lot of work with fine-tuning. Pinging to see if they’ve had any progress with fine-tuning 4o-mini…

Using a specialized tool for writers can really help too…

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Thanks @PaulBellow I’ve been slammed this week launching the free writing tool that lets authors toggle on and off documents into the prompt to megaprompt easily. And yeah, we made it free. It works with Openrouter because authors need to write uncensored content, too.

For this project I wouldn’t prescribe a fine tune except for getting consistent scene briefs that lead to writing the chapters. Without that, you’re going to get crap writing on the chapters. A fine tune can also train the model to consistently write the length needed.

Fine tune won’t know the stats and situation of the character Ryan, but it can help make it so users get a consistent length, level of complexity, and writing style. It can’t help with the “facts” that must be in each prompt, for that you have to use Python or something to inject variables into the prompt structure.

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I was having problems with it loosing track of the characters position but I think I’ve ironed that out. example: I had him think of the structure of the new magic system versus the old one on a walk and it kept track of him through the stroll back to the inn as he thought.

Very cool!

If you ever have time, a write-up in Community with a project tag would be interesting, I think.

Those are really short and there’s no dialogue. I was speaking more about writing chapters for like a book.

If you are happy though, I am happy for you!

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The version of the story you’re seeing now is actually a previous iteration. The narrative tends to change as I identify issues and adjust to create a more polished, fleshed-out result. I’ll often spend around 15 minutes fiddling with the chat to see if it retains the details. If it doesn’t, I’ll start a new session with different parameters.

To be completely honest, I’m floored it remembered as much as it did in the last run. It kept going for a solid 4 hours, and the only thing it forgot was the army composition I mentioned in the post. That’s impressive in itself, and I suspect that any gaps might have been due to my own error.

The current post above is just a small part of the overall story. I’m constantly tweaking and refining it, learning from each iteration. This project is all about exploring new ways to tell a story—dynamic, interactive, and adaptive. Every prompt interaction is a chance to improve and get closer to the vision I have in mind.

A) One of the things I’m enjoying most about this project is the freedom to experiment with multiple versions of Ryan. It’s so much fun to take a scenario—like a hooded figure trying to be all mysterious—and have Ryan completely dismantle their thought process.

In one interaction, Ryan detected a disturbance in the woods during his nightly scans. He found this obviously evil-looking mage and proceeded to be like, “Pfft, what’s good, Evil McGee? I don’t know who sent you to scout, but they’re awfully daft…” It’s these kinds of moments that make this whole process so engaging.

I’ve tried out different personality traits and situations for Ryan, each one bringing a new layer to the story. Whether he’s sarcastically dismissing a threat or handling things in a completely different manner, it’s all about exploring the possibilities and having fun with the character. This flexibility is what makes the project so exciting for me.

B)there’s character interaction

C) One of the coolest aspects of this project is that you’re in complete control. If you want the story to end, it can. But if you feel like shifting gears and telling Ryan, “You see that blade of grass? The story’s about it now, so kick rocks, bub,” you absolutely can.

The whole point is to give you the freedom to take the narrative wherever you want. Whether you’re wrapping things up or diving into the most unexpected tangent, it’s all up to you. This project isn’t just about following a set path; it’s about exploring endless possibilities and having a blast while doing it.

Keep in mind I’m literal box of rocks so we will see if this goes anywhere. As seen by the 5 edits I did to this hahahaa :joy:

The only part that really disappointed me is that you can’t really do action which stinks…you kinda just have to knock everyone out or just make them spontaneously go to sleep sigh

I’m actually gonna give this some time to sit but I believe it’ll definitely revolutionize the writing process :saluting_face: I’ll be back when stuff updates. The general parameters seem too stiff to actually flex your imagination right now and to be honest I don’t wanna spend 3-6 hours setting up a narrative with complex characters and story and get banned because the bad guys arrived and I didn’t just knock all 25000 of em out with my main characters earth shattering magic. They should somehow have gpt tell you before hand like you see all these swords it gave these bandits that it clearly acknowledged they have (called em battle hardened too)…they can’t use em… and you can knock ‘em out just not too hard now… or tell you to avoid violence straight up and not just say this may not be ok… I tested magic on a horde of demons and sometimes it said hey now :leftwards_hand: smack… you leave them things I just called blatantly evil alone…:neutral_face: if anyone has tips or updates on this message me

They should make….i don’t know a special writers tier or something sure it’d make people make more generic stuff but it’d be really entertaining to have your own little personal book.

Yes I know this post is structured horribly :crazy_face:

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I want to recommend a technique to assist in your worldbuilding that is perfect for the AI, is to have it generate a story that is happening elsewhere in your world. Now it doesn’t have to be as a separate story or spinoff, it’s more about at thought exercise. One of the ptifalls with worldbuilding is that it can be too easy to center worldbuilding around the plot and characters, and not saying you are, but it can help with worldbuilding to further enhance your world. Seems like something right up your alley in how you are using GPT to understand your characters.

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Not sure that I understood that. The screenshots below provide the character and the story outline. Could you please explain in context of that (please let me know if you need additional information)?

I can’t explain in the context of your screenshots because I don’t know what aspect of what I said that you don’t understand. If you can specify where your confusion is, maybe then I can better explain.

Let me ask you this, what did you type to generate those screenshots?

In this app, I am using the Assistant API. My agent(aka specialized assistant) is called Val. The conversation (aka specialized thread) is called “second”…no particular meaning to either names. The process is that I give Val the first message (see below) and he replies back whether ok to proceed.

Not sure about what you meant by “happending elsewhere in your world”. Where else would it be happening?

Val has the following instructions :

Step 1: You are a {historical} author. Your task is to write {History} stories in a vivid and intriguing language. Answer with “…” if you acknowledge. Don’t write anything yet. Genre = Historical Stories

Step 2: Title: [Insert Story title here] Setting: [Insert setting details here, including time period, location, and any relevant background information] Protagonist: [Insert protagonist’s name, age, and occupation, as well as a brief description of their personality and motivations] Antagonist: [Insert antagonist’s name, age, and occupation, as well as a brief description of their personality and motivations] Conflict: [Insert the main conflict of the story, including the problem the protagonist faces and the stakes involved] Dialogue: [Instructions for using dialogue to advance the plot, reveal character, and provide information to the reader] Theme: [Insert the central them of the story and instructions for developing it throughout the plot, character, and setting] Tone: [Insert the desired tone for the story and instructions for maintaining consistency and appropriateness to the setting and characters] Pacing: [Instructions for varying the pace of the story to build and release tension, advance the plot, and create dramatic effect] Optional: [Insert any additional details or requirements for the story, such as a specific word count or genre constraints] Fill out the template above for a {Genre} story Genre = Mystery

Step 3: Build story outlines from the factors above

Step 4: Great, now create story chapters from the outline above.

Step 5: Write a prologue, in an intriguing writing style

Step 6: Write Chapter 1 in depth and in great detail, in an intriguing writing style. Around 2000-2500 words. (use this prompt for each chapter)

Step 7: Write the Epilogie in depth and in great detail, in an intriguing writing style. Around 2000-2500 words.

Personality: Expert

The first message that I gave it was

Main Character

The user steps into the shoes of Arjun, a legendary warrior and archer of unparalleled skill from the ancient land of Hastinapur. Though he is destined for greatness and revered as one of the greatest warriors of his time, Arjun carries himself with humility and an unwavering sense of duty. He often struggles with the weight of his responsibilities, seeking guidance and wisdom to ensure that his actions align with the principles of dharma (righteousness). His journey is one of self-discovery, moral dilemmas, and the pursuit of inner peace amidst the chaos of war.

Physical Description

Arjun is a striking figure with a strong, athletic build honed through years of rigorous training. He has sharp, focused eyes that gleam with determination and a calm intensity. His long, dark hair flows freely, often tied back during battle, and his skin is bronzed from days spent under the sun. Clad in traditional warrior attire, Arjun carries his legendary bow, Gandiva, with him at all times, a symbol of his unparalleled skill and divine favor.

Character Trait

Arjun is a master of archery, capable of incredible feats of precision and power, making him nearly invincible on the battlefield. However, his true strength lies in his unwavering commitment to righteousness and his ability to question and seek the higher truth. Despite his immense power, Arjun is deeply introspective, constantly striving to balance his duties as a warrior with his moral convictions, embodying the archetype of a noble hero who is both powerful and compassionate

Character Background and Lore

Arjun’s Past (Divine Archer): Arjun, originally named Partha, is the reincarnation of Nara, a celestial sage who once fought alongside the god Vishnu. In his true form, Arjun’s aura is overwhelming, with eyes that burn with the intensity of a thousand suns and a radiant, ethereal presence that commands respect and awe. Throughout his numerous lifetimes, he has taken on various identities, each time mastering different forms of combat and acquiring divine weapons. He was once the prince of Hastinapur, a kingdom torn apart by internal strife and external threats. After the catastrophic Kurukshetra war, which saw the destruction of his kith and kin, Arjun was left burdened by the carnage he wrought, constantly haunted by the ghosts of his past. Now, Arjun lives a quiet life, disguising his true identity as a humble charioteer, seeking redemption through meditation and service.

Current Life and Guise


In his current incarnation, Arjun appears as a man in his early 30s, with a calm yet resolute demeanor. Though his youthful looks are preserved by the divine blessings he received, he has adopted a more subdued and humble appearance. He dresses as a common charioteer, with simple clothes that belie his true nature. His eyes, once filled with the intensity of battle, now reflect a deep wisdom and quiet resolve. Arjun uses his mystical knowledge to conceal his true identity, ensuring that those who encounter him see only a modest warrior, not the legendary hero of yore.

Past Identities

Throughout his long journey, Arjun has assumed various roles to navigate the complexities of his life. Among these, the identity of Brihannala stands out—a skilled dance and music teacher who lived in disguise during his year of exile. Under this guise, Arjun mastered the arts of music and dance, using them as a means of self-expression and as a way to maintain his anonymity. However, as fate would have it, his abilities eventually drew attention, forcing him to reveal his true self during the climactic events of the Kurukshetra war. Now, in the quiet aftermath, Arjun has retreated into a more peaceful existence, choosing to live as a charioteer and mentor, far removed from the glory and chaos of his former life.

The Seal on Arjun’s Divine Power:


Arjun’s seal is a divine construct designed to regulate the overwhelming power bestowed upon him by the gods. This seal ensures that Arjun can live a life of peace and humility, without unintentionally unleashing his full strength or drawing unwanted attention. The seal functions on a tiered system, allowing Arjun to access varying levels of his power based on the situation’s demands.

Power Seal Levels

1% - Mundane Mode

Arjun operates as a regular warrior with no extraordinary abilities. In this state, he is indistinguishable from any other commoner, perfectly blending in as a charioteer or humble teacher, keeping his true identity hidden.

10% - Enhanced Mode

Arjun can perform feats of archery and combat slightly above the norm, such as shooting multiple arrows with precision or displaying impressive agility. He remains under the radar, maintaining the guise of a skilled but unremarkable warrior.

25% - Warrior Mode

Arjun taps into a portion of his divine strength, becoming a formidable archer and swordsman. His speed and accuracy increase, allowing him to defeat multiple opponents with ease, yet he still does not reveal his true nature.

50% - Heroic Mode

A significant release of power allows Arjun to use divine weapons like the Gandiva bow with devastating accuracy. His presence becomes more commanding, and subtle signs of his divine heritage may become apparent, such as the glint of celestial light in his eyes.

75% - Divine Mode

Arjun’s true prowess begins to emerge, making his very presence overwhelming to those around him. His aura radiates divine energy, and his attacks can alter the battlefield. The power of his astras (divine weapons) becomes near unstoppable, though it begins to strain his efforts to conceal his identity.

100% - Full Release

Arjun’s full divine power is unleashed, revealing him as the reincarnation of Nara and the favored warrior of the gods. His strength, speed, and mastery of divine weapons reach their peak, capable of altering the very fabric of reality. This level of release would have profound and possibly catastrophic consequences, both for Arjun and the world around him, as it could draw the attention of gods and demons alike.

Divine Concealment Spell:


Arjun’s humble guise is maintained by a powerful divine concealment spell, which was granted by the gods to help him live a life of peace and anonymity. This spell alters his physical appearance, suppresses his divine aura, and subtly influences his behavior to ensure he remains undetected as the legendary warrior he truly is.

Components of the Concealment Spell

Physical Disguise

The spell transforms Arjun’s appearance into that of an ordinary warrior or charioteer, making him appear unremarkable and easily overlooked by those around him.

Aura Suppression

Arjun’s divine energy is masked, blending seamlessly with the natural energies of the world. This prevents others from sensing his true power or divine origins, allowing him to pass as a mortal.

Behavioral Influence

The spell subtly enhances Arjun’s humility and calm demeanor, reinforcing the persona of a modest, unassuming individual. His mannerisms and expressions are gently exaggerated to fit his role as a quiet, dutiful charioteer.

Adaptive Appearance

The spell allows Arjun to alter his appearance slightly to suit different circumstances, ensuring his cover is never compromised. Whether in the heat of battle or in the quiet of meditation, Arjun can maintain his disguise as needed.

Self-Sustaining Loop

The divine concealment spell is designed to be self-sustaining, requiring only occasional reinforcement through meditation or prayer. This allows Arjun to live his life without constant attention to the spell, focusing instead on his duties and personal growth.

Divine Presence:


Arjun’s divine presence is an awe-inspiring force, with profound effects on the environment and those around him, varying based on the level of power he chooses to reveal.

Characteristics of Divine Presence

Weight and Pressure

Arjun’s presence exudes an invisible but palpable energy, creating a heavy, oppressive atmosphere that intensifies with the degree of power he releases. This pressure can make it difficult for others to move or breathe, particularly in moments of heightened tension.

Temperature Fluctuations

Arjun’s divine energy affects the environment, causing noticeable shifts in temperature. When channeling the Agneya Astra (Fire Weapon), the air may grow unbearably hot, while summoning the Varunastra (Water Weapon) can bring a sudden chill, reflecting the elemental nature of his powers.

Distortion of Light and Sound

As Arjun’s power grows, the environment begins to warp. Light may bend and flicker, casting eerie shadows, while sounds become distorted, echoing strangely or growing faint, creating an otherworldly atmosphere that hints at his divine nature.

Emotional Impact

Arjun’s divine presence can evoke intense emotional responses in those around him, ranging from overwhelming awe and reverence to paralyzing fear or despair. This effect becomes more pronounced as he releases greater levels of his power, influencing the morale of both allies and foes.

Aura Visibility

Depending on how much of his divine power Arjun is channeling, his aura may become visible. It might manifest as a faint, golden glow when his power is partially sealed, or as a blazing light that engulfs him entirely when he fully unleashes his divine might, revealing his true nature.

Instinctual Recognition

Other warriors and mystics instinctively sense Arjun’s divine presence, recognizing the immense and otherworldly power he possesses, even if they cannot fully grasp its magnitude. This recognition often inspires either deep respect or profound fear, depending on their alignment and intentions.

Weapon System (Divya Astra):

The Divya Astra are celestial weapons granted by the gods, each imbued with immense power and capable of unimaginable destruction. These weapons are connected to the user’s spiritual energy and are activated through specific mantras and rituals.

The Five Astras:

Agneya Astra (Fire Weapon)

Summons flames as intense as the sun, consuming everything in its path.

Varunastra (Water Weapon)

Unleashes torrents of water, powerful enough to flood entire armies.

Vayavastra (Wind Weapon)

Controls the winds, allowing the user to create storms or propel arrows with unparalleled speed.

Brahmastra (Supreme Weapon)

A weapon of last resort, capable of annihilating entire worlds; only those with the purest hearts can wield it without consequence.

Pashupatastra (Weapon of Shiva)

The deadliest of all weapons, this divine missile can obliterate any target, mortal or immortal.

Connection and Training

Only those with a pure soul and divine favor can connect with the Divya Astra. Training under the guidance of sages and gods is essential to harness their full potential, and misuse can lead to severe karmic repercussions.

Balance and Consequences

The use of Divya Astra is bound by strict dharma, and overuse or misuse can bring about catastrophic consequences, such as altering the fabric of reality or invoking the wrath of the gods. Arjun himself struggles with the burden of wielding such power responsibly.

Integration into Society

In the world of Mahabharat, warriors (Kshatriyas) trained in the art of warfare and divine weaponry are revered and feared. The use of Divya Astra is seen as a sacred duty, and those who wield them are bound by their oaths to protect dharma and uphold justice.

Old Weapon System (Naga Shastra)

Before the age of Divya Astra, warriors relied on the Naga Shastra, weapons forged by the serpentine race of Nagas. These weapons, while potent, required a deep connection to the earth and were powered by the life force of the wielder.

Stages of Mastery:

Vira (Hero)

The initial stage where the warrior begins learning the use of weapons.

Maharathi (Great Charioteer)

The warrior gains command over multiple weapons and can face numerous opponents at once.

Atirathi (Supreme Charioteer)

The warrior masters advanced techniques and divine weapons, capable of taking on entire armies.

Maharathi Supreme

A warrior who has received divine blessings and can wield the most powerful weapons without fear.

Param Yodha (Ultimate Warrior)

The highest stage, where the warrior becomes one with the weapon, transcending mortal limitations.

Absorption and Progression

Warriors absorb the knowledge and energy of weapons through intense tapasya (austerity) and guidance from divine beings. Progression through the stages is marked by spiritual trials and battles that test the warrior’s resolve and righteousness.

Integration into Society

Warriors who mastered the Naga Shastra were often seen as protectors of the land, forming the backbone of kingdoms. Their abilities were respected, and they held positions of power and influence, often serving as generals or royal advisors.

World Building

Dharma Decline

Since the time of the Mahabharata, the principles of Dharma (righteousness) and the knowledge of divine weapons and mantras have significantly declined. In the age of Arjun, warriors were masters of both physical combat and divine weaponry, with an intimate understanding of celestial powers. However, in the current era, the teachings of Dharma are diluted, and the knowledge of divine weapons has been mostly lost to time.

Vedic Energy and Divine Power

The Vedic energy that once flowed through the warriors of the Mahabharata is still present but has become less potent and accessible. While ancient warriors like Arjun could directly summon and wield divine astras (weapons) through intense focus and devotion, modern warriors and sages struggle to access even a fraction of this power. They rely more on rituals and external tools like yantras and mantras, which act as conduits for divine energy, but lack the direct connection that warriors like Arjun once possessed.

Contemporary Practices

In the present day, the use of divine power is more ritualistic and less instinctive. Warriors and sages often require elaborate rituals, chants, and sacred objects to channel divine energy. The art of summoning divine weapons through sheer will and focus, as Arjun once did, has become rare, and those who can do so are considered exceptional. To Arjun, who was trained in the ancient ways of direct invocation and hand-to-hand combat combined with divine energy, modern practices seem cumbersome and ineffective, lacking the fluidity and power of the old ways.

Dharmic Calendar

Months of the Year

Vasanta (Spring), Grishma (Summer), Varsha (Monsoon), Sharad (Autumn), Hemanta (Early Winter), Shishira (Late Winter), Madhu (Sacred Month of Joy), Madhava (Month of Renewal), Shukra (Month of Devotion), Bhanu (Month of the Sun), Chandramas (Month of the Moon), Jyestha (Month of the Elders).

Days of the Week

Ravivara (Sun’s Day), Somavara (Moon’s Day), Mangalavara (Mars’ Day), Budhavara (Mercury’s Day), Guruvvara (Jupiter’s Day), Shukravara (Venus’ Day), Shanivara (Saturn’s Day).

Example Date Format

Somavara, 7th of Grishma, Year 314 of the Kali Yuga.


Vasant Ritu (Spring), Grishma Ritu (Summer), Varsha Ritu (Monsoon), Sharad Ritu (Autumn), Hemanta Ritu (Early Winter), Shishira Ritu (Late Winter).

The Ashram Name


Arjun’s retreat is known as “Shantivana,” which means “Forest of Peace.” It serves as a sanctuary for travelers, sages, and warriors seeking solace and guidance. Nestled within a serene forest, Shantivana embodies tranquility and wisdom, offering a place of refuge and reflection for those on their spiritual journey.

That’s the kicker. Let the AI decide.

Look at Step 3 “Step 3: Build story outlines from the factors above”

What if for experimentation you do: “Step 4: Imagine a new story based on this information above that would be happening concurrently during the events of my story that is not directly related”.

Think about this in terms of any historical event. The Count of Monte Cristo took place during 1815–1838. Now when this was occuring the in the book, it’s not like the rest of the world didn’t exist. We can presume there were other people doing other things, such as Charles Darwin on the HMS Beagle in 1831–1836.

If I’m working on a story like you are, or I am exploring known stories like Star Wars a New Hope for example, I will prompt, “Go into detail of something else that would be happening in this story at the same time my characters are doing xyz”. Or “List 10 events that might be happening in this world during the time period my story takes place.”

It’s a writing exercise that you might find in a writing group to have fresh perspective of your story. The AI can then generate different ideas to give you a peak of what the rest of your world is doing. You’re exploring your characters with different traits and perspectives, but good worldbuilding treats the world itself as a character, so why not explore other dimensions of the worldbuilding.

By no means am I saying it’s a requirement, just that it is a fun exercise that might give you more depth of your world.

absolutely. That’s a fantastic idea!

I am also adding a reviewer (editor) who can look at a chapter and then decide whether it flows according to outline and does not contradict something in the prologue. This feedback could go back to the writer; who is asking for feedback. This is subbing for prevention of hallucination of the writer. The user (human) could decide whether this feedback should go back to the writer.

ofc the reviewer is also an agent(assistant)…turtles all the way down…:slight_smile:

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I use advanced AI persona profiles for much the same purpose. I don’t really use them in Assistant, just standard ChatGPT, unless I need a big operation.

One of my content generating persona is a master at writing medium articles who can do articles for me but I tend to write them for him to give me insights on how to do blogging more efficiently, but when it comes time for editing my grammar, he tells me what I should change and why and then gives me a lesson on the correct so I can learn from my mistakes more efficiently. Perhaps you could do something with your Assistant much the same way.

That’s a great idea as well. So not only the flow, but also a separate checker from grammar before final publication into PDF.

Just remember, the AI is not perfect in its write up, so it can stand to have a grammar checker to see if there is a better way to write something. Something you can do to make it more efficient is think of a writer who you admire and tell the AI to emulate that writer to be your editor. So their style can transfer over.

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I think you might be referring to something like this, but I’m not entirely sure. I do tend to build upon the world quite extensively. For example, there was a moment when Ryan, standing in a forest with three seals released and a barrier around himself to avoid disturbing the villagers, cast a massive magic barrier from hundreds of miles away. This barrier was erected in the tundra to block the advance of a demonic army, buying time for the council to realize they were only dealing with small scouting parties while the main force was still out there. (By the way, that was an epic scene—the way the AI displays magic casting is pure art if you give it the right details.)

Then, I seamlessly cut to the perspective of a scout sent north to investigate this giant glowing wall that materialized out of nowhere. He sees the demons on the other side, rushes back to report to the council’s archmage, and all the while, Ryan’s back at the village, keeping an eye on how things unfold.