ChatGPT4 having constant errors since the latest update

Ever since the newest update, where we can make our own GPTs and such, my ChatGPT has been throwing serious issues. Seems like every time I enter a message to interact with GPT-4 it gives me “Something went wrong”, and when I try regenerating the response, the problem persists until I get to about attempts 4-6.


same issues here - also it takes incredibly long now, what am I paying for now? i frequently find myself just going back to 3.5.

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I think part of the problem is that they’ve gone hog wild giving ChatGPT some major upgrades in its functionality over the recent weeks, but they probably haven’t take the time to shore up the infrastructure underlying the program. Seems silly to me to think they might not have anticipated that the new toys would cause a surge in usage which would cause the program to lag and stall out. I’m considering unsubscribing; I’m not going to keep giving them money for a faulty product, when the old, free version is not spazzing out.

Any way to contact any customer service ;]? I’m getting error on error, bad results and “The conversation is too long, please start a new one.” after 6 questions!

The default thing is If you can’t find your topic there, then you come to the forums to get help.

It is April 2024 and while using GPTs or search with bing or images ( practically anything ) I keep getting errors “something went wrong”, besides being very slow it can become exhausting.

The errors are still taking place, oj the broswer or on the app.