ChatGPT prompts ''You've reached our limit of messages per hour. Please try again later''

This does not work. I have to wait 24 hours before I can use ChatGPT again.

i had the same message (using the v3 , not the v4) , i hope its “only” because too much people try to use it right now because i need it for get help making my mod.

You’ve reached our limit of messages per hour. Please try again later.

Me too, it’s upsetting, I have paid 20 dollars bucks.

Yeah for me too ealier it was not like that did you resolve the issue

The buffet usually tells you what the limit is, they don’t typically just run up and snatch your fork at some arbitrary time.

If there are limits, they should be known to the customer.

I think it’s very obvious, but maybe you haven’t noticed it :laughing:

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I didn’t notice at all, because I’ve been using GPT-3.5 which doesn’t have that message, and I’ve still gotten the error.

I just started playing with ChatGPT this week, and am not a paying customer yet, however, so I don’t think they owe ME anything at all. Even a single response is a gift.

I’m really impressed by it so far, but I could easily see myself surpassing 17 queries per hour. Sometimes I just like to chat with the model. One day if I make a friend this may change, but at this point, the fun is making minor tweaks to queries, refining questions and gradually narrowing parameters. I could play with this thing for hours, but I see now that it wouldn’t really be possible to do so.

But to your point yes, the limit IS obvious, IF you hover your mouse over that button. Then again, most things are obvious if you know exactly where to look for them. I don’t think the hover popup is intuitive for most people.

Note also that if you CLICK the button to subscribe, no such limit is displayed. Odd, huh?

So, I dunno, it’s kind of a mixed bag really. I found this thread because I was looking for the limit myself, and a cursory web search revealed that the majority of people had no idea what the limit was. Take that for what it’s worth.

P.S. It also sounds like people weren’t even getting close to the limit you posted.

Chat GPT 24 hour limit? But I have only done 2 messages in the last 24 hours. This is insanity.
I feel that a new method for GPT may just be randomly providing this information with a bad programming prompt response, or maybe high traffic? It is annoying, and it is happening every 5 out of 6 times. I discovered this while trying with anger, to get it to respond, and refreshing the pages.

Same here. This late in the year, they’ve reduced the limit from 50 to 40, and as i was working on my game book, it gave me that error. I never used to get the error before, and i’m convinced i didn’t even surpass 30 messages, is it likely that my account has been hacked? Or what… and why put this limit in the first place?
People should be able to at LEAST have 400 messages per 2 hours not 3!

Some messages are just things like “Hi” or “How are you doing?” or “Let’s play a game” Or small chit-chat like that and not complex operations… :disappointed:


Same Here,

My work requires a lot of ChatGPT prompts and it now asks me to wait till the next hour only for 30 messages. I currently use GPT-3.5 and like y’all said. GPT-4 and 20 Bucks don’t help bypass it.

I liked it before this new policy guidelines(that existed before GPT-4 was launched) with unlimited messages.

30 messages/hour is too little. At least if not unlimited GPT-3.5 should have 100 messages per hour and unlimited in GPT-4 for smoother operation.

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I have a paid version and got the same message now in audio, while using the audio chat in app.
But how come there is a cap in paid version??


Do you confirm that GPT-4’s current limit is 40 messages every 3 days?