ChatGPT Plus o1 preview Plus plan limitations

Hello, I just ran out of o1 Preview prompts, it says it will refresh in 3 days! :open_mouth: is there any upgrade to my plan I can do so I get me some more of those o1 preview prompts? can’t see myself going back to 4o now…feels rushed and ancient

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I’ve heard there’s new levels of ChatGPT coming. I’m not sure if Teams or Enterprise get more o1-preview goodness or not, though.

One thing myself and others have been doing is using 4o to generate long, thoughtful prompts for o1. Have you thought about doing this while you’re waiting? That way you have a good pile of prompts to use when you do get access.

I’ve also heard they’re bumping the limits as much as they can, so stay tuned. OpenAI Devs on Twitter recently posted about increases…


that’s a really good shout. I’ll start doing that. Any news of when o1-preview will be able to call on Dall e-3? I feel Dall e is getting worse by the day…and I think it could use some “thinking” before producing images…it could also help with image consistency I’m guessing.


No problem.

No news that I’ve heard, but they’re baking image generation into the multi-modal models.

The “thinking” won’t really help the image generation as it’s not exactly the same as text generation.

I’ve not heard any new DALLE news in a while, but I’ve got my ear to the ground…

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hope they give dall e some attention soon, more and more it’s ignoring some of the instructions in the prompts

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These unpublished limits are ridiculous, I’m locked out from 01 preview for 4 days, even more ridiculous. Why even bother rolling it out at this point, just make it like Sora, make the announcement and never release it :wink:

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I used it on the 14th. Blew my hair back and got a project done in 5 prompts I had been working on for a long time.
Just as I reached the endpoint, ran out of Preview; refreshes 9/21!

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It would have been nice to know… Having said that, I am glad that I had the access (and that I used it for something besides ‘probing’ out of luck) and would take that over not having it any day.

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That’s it, appease the OpenAI overlords, before they decide to pull out our access to o1-preview :joy: