ChatGPT Mac App: Reliability Insights and App Switching/Termination Issues

From my experience, using the Chat GPT app on my MacBook Air is much more reliable than using GPT in webbrowser, the latter gives many issues and is very unreliable in my webbrowser Vivaldi.

I had issues finding the app when switching apps with Command + Tab and also have additional challenges.

Issue I - solved: The ChatGPT app started fine but did not appear in the active apps list when using Command + Tab to switch between apps. I resolved this by adding the app to Privacy & Security under Accessibility in System Settings, enabling it in the list. After that, I closed the app, terminated its process using kill -9 [PID] in the terminal, and restarted the app. This resolved the issue, and it now appears in the active apps list when switching.

Issue II - unsolved: The ChatGPT app works fine for me when in use. However, when I close the app with Command + Q it seems not to close, respectively keeps a process in the background.
I open the app and see following when ps aux | grep ChatGPT
9493 33.8 2.5 416703600 212288 ?? S 3:25PM 1:04.36 /Applications/GPT

I close the app with Command + Q and see following in terminal:
9493 33.8 2.5 416703600 212288 ?? S 3:25PM 1:04.36 /Applications/GPT

Basically after closing the app with the usual command in Mac environment, it does not terminate the process and the app runs in the background.

Can anyone relate to those issues and why does the app not kill the process when it is closed?

Thank you!