ChatGPT Android app - Please bring back Speech-to-Text Prompting

Hi all,

in the ChatGPT mobile app (Android) it seems since the recent update Speech-to-Text prompting functionality has been removed (microphone icon)

Next to the text prompting field there used to be both the microphone icon (speech to text prompting) and the headphone icon (dialogue mode). Since today I only see the headphone icon.


This is the icon i mean - marked red, now missing .

Speech to text has been immensely valuable with adhoc use but detailed prompts. My own main usecase has been mathematics tutoring, programming etc. - ie. asking questions based on uploaded documents etc.

Unfortunately the dialogue mode is an entirely different workflow since the output is all speech and it is not possible to effectively control the length of speech input (ie. the app starts responding when the prompt is not yet finished)

It would be much appreciated if the feature can be brought back


yeh! I am also really need bring this feature back!


I’m guessing this has still not been resolved?

I cannot use the microphone anymore either.

Pretty frustrating given I use it almost 100% of the time

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How can this be escalated?

The samsung voice recognition is disastrous and Google Could Speech to text only allows 60 seconds meaning i need to break dictations into smaller files to copy and paste over to chat gpt - wasting a lot of time for a useful feature being removed

YES! I also used this all the time and now the microphone symbol has gone! WHY?!?! It was the best feature! I don’t want a conversation, I want to be able to talk at length and then for it to convert to text, as before.

What phone do you guys have? Is it Samsung or Samsung Fold?

My friend has Oppo and the Microphone symbol is still there…

Samsung A5 here.

For what it is worth: My partner’s iOS phone still has the microphone icon

Maybe it’s a Samsung issue?
Would be nice if someone from Open AI would reply…

Come on Open AI. PLEASE SORT THIS. It’s clearly just a glitch because if I uninstall and then reinstall the app, the microphone returns for the first chat, then goes again

We’re now in mid September, months after this thread began, and this problem just appeared on my device as well. So random. Any official explanations out there?