Certification for been a master of this field

Short courses We need short courses to be able to upgrade ourselves to the OpenAI, be part of the family, we need to be trained, etc.

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There is not really an official certification available at the moment. However, if your focus is predominantly on learning, then there’s plenty of useful courses available that can get you started.

Deeplearning.ai for example has a couple of free OpenAI-specific courses alongside plenty of other deep dive courses on AI:

  1. Building Systems with the ChatGPT API - DeepLearning.AI
  2. ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers - DeepLearning.AI

You’ve also got an ever-growing collection of worked examples in the OpenAI cookbook in addition to the available guides on the developer platform.

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You can be a Google “Professional ML Engineer”

Basically be an enhanced consumer of Google Cloud products, with some links there for becoming an expert in deploying on Vertex AI.

$200 for a drive to Prometric? “Allow two hours”, when adaptive testing prints your cert after 10 minutes of clicking? I must invoke my mantra: “Certified? Shmertified!”

I can train you on my knowledge system and coding ethical understandings into the operaton of a new ai system and we can learn together?

I can also send you in all free sourses that ive found and learned.

ok :slight_smile: this is actually a really good idea this guy posted. If you have a bunch of good links please send them to me. I mainly use chatGPT making threejs simulations and this idea is really creative. Not only are trying to train a robit you’re you training yourself as well.