Capitalizing proper nouns in text-davinci-003?

Hello OpenAI community! How can I send a prompt in an API call to text-davinci-003 that returns news headlines in sentence case with proper nouns capitalized?

I’m building a GPT 3.5 bot for a news organization that reads news article text from an API or provided by the user, then suggests search-optimized headlines based on that text (I’m still on the GPT 4 waitlist.)

My prompt is:

“You are an SEO and marketing expert. Read the text of the article at @{triggerBody()[‘text’]} and provide a numbered list of three SEO-optimized headlines. Title the list ‘Three suggested SEO-optimized headlines’.”

Here’s an example of the headlines it can return:

“Former Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank CEOs Must Answer for Bank’s Downfall,” “Senate Banking Committee Demands Answers from Former Bank CEOs,” and “Congressional Hearing Set for Tuesday to Investigate Bank Closures.”

Obviously, those headlines are all in title case; our style is sentence case. When I update my prompt to this:

“You are an SEO and marketing expert. Read the text of the article at @{triggerBody()[‘text’]} and provide a numbered list of three SEO-optimized headlines. Title the list ‘Three suggested SEO-optimized headlines’. Do not use Title Case for any headline. Use Sentence Case for each headline.”

It returns:

senators demand answers from former silicon valley and signature bank ceos
congressional hearing set for tuesday to examine failed banks
attorneys for former ceos remain silent on banking committee letters

I’m passing that text as a value to another prompt. In the second prompt, I need it to recognize and capitalize proper nouns — but I’ve been unsuccessful so far. I’ve tried just “capitalize the proper nouns,” “You are an English teacher in the Unites States of America… capitalize the proper nouns,” “You are an English teacher in the Unites States of America… fix the typos and grammar,” no luck.

Furthermore, when my prompt is:

“Read @{body(‘GPTheadlines’)} and provide the proper nouns in each headline.”

The returns include:

Former CEOs, Failed Banks, Attorneys

So it can’t identify a proper noun. I’ve tried using “names and job titles” instead of “proper nouns,” no luck.

I’m guessing GPT 4 will solve this, but for now… any insights or guidance?

Help would be greatly appreciated!

We were facing the similar situation, even we gave different prompts for sentence case, the response is always title case or all lower case.

Any idea how we can get headline with title case?