Cannot import name 'OpenAI' from 'openai'

I run
import openai
import os
from openai import OpenAI
and get the error cannot import name ‘OpenAI’ from ‘openai’
I am using Python 3.11.5 and openai 0.27.4

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Check for the latest version.
v1.2.0 Latest


My issue is solved.
ImportError: cannot import name ‘OpenAI’ from ‘openai’
pip install openai --upgrade

This is available only in version openai==1.2.0


With 1.20 or 0.27.4 still not working:

ImportError: cannot import name 'OpenAI' from 'openai' (/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.11/site-packages/openai/
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I have the same error, even in the newest (1.2.0) version:

cannot import name ‘OpenAI’ from ‘openai’

It’s even worse. If I do “import openai”, then i get this:
AttributeError: module ‘openai’ has no attribute ‘audio’.

Throw this into the start of your code to make sure it is version-safe:

import openai
from packaging import version

required_version = version.parse("1.1.1")
current_version = version.parse(openai.__version__)

if current_version < required_version:
    raise ValueError(f"Error: OpenAI version {openai.__version__}"
                     " is less than the required version 1.1.1")
    print("OpenAI version is compatible.")

# -- Now we can get to it
from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI(api_key="sk-xxx")  # should use env variable OPENAI_API_KEY

I have the same problem today :

ImportError: cannot import name ‘OpenAi’ from ‘openai’

The openai version = 1.2.0

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Correct the case. Modules are case sensitive.

from openai import OpenAI

Your last ‘i’ maybe causing this issue.

Also ensure you do not have file in the project name - it maybe leading to the conflict.


Ensure no file in project is named

Try with only : import openai

Use modules like this: openai.ChatCompletion.create(...

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My brain has mixed up openai + openAI = openAi, my bad.
Thank @engagepy for pointing it !

I keep all my openai functions in a seperate file, which I naturally want to call openai. Had this same error, but my smoothbrain couldnt figure out why…

Thanks for pointing this out!

Also have this error. On package version 1.2.2, following what’s listed here

from openai import OpenAI

client = OpenAI(
    api_key = 'API_KEY'

I was running code in a different environment than the one I was installing the
updated openai library to. You’ll be unintentionally using the old version, you can check which version you have with this code:

import openai

I had to sys.path.insert to direct my environment to the right package.

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你应该确认你的python file名称不是openai,只是重命名你的文件名称就好

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you should read what they’ve discussed…, it’s about the package version…

Is there a way to make it work when having openai version less than 1.1.1?

You can continue to use openai<=0.28.1 along with Python 3.8-3.10 for the feature set that was available before.

However the documentation has been scorched from the Earth, in typical OpenAI fashion.

Here a 0.28.1 chatbot from my “forum examples” folder takes an API key (better to put os environment variable there), submits and creates a chat response object, and gets the chunks out of the dictionary-like generator.

import openai
openai.api_key = "sk-12345"
system = [{"role": "system",
           "content": "You are chatbot who enjoys python programming."}]
user = [{"role": "user", "content": "brief introduction?"}]
chat = []
while not user[0]['content'] == "exit":
    response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
        messages = system + chat[-20:] + user,
        model="gpt-3.5-turbo", top_p=0.5, stream=True)
    reply = ""
    for delta in response:
        if not delta['choices'][0]['finish_reason']:
            word = delta['choices'][0]['delta']['content']
            reply += word
            print(word, end ="")
    chat += user + [{"role": "assistant", "content": reply}]
    user = [{"role": "user", "content": input("\nPrompt: ")}]

These days it could use a openai.api_requestor.TIMEOUT_SECS = 30 because of unresponsive models and try/except/retry error handling.

However it doesn’t take much to update to a v1.2.3+ client instance, use the correct method, and get the response out of the model/object (here now using an environment variable API key by default):

from openai import OpenAI  #####
client = OpenAI()          #####
system = [{"role": "system",
           "content": """You are chatbot who enjoys computer programming."""}]
user = [{"role": "user", "content": "brief introduction?"}]
chat = []
while not user[0]['content'] == "exit":
    response =  #####
        messages = system + chat[-20:] + user,
        model="gpt-3.5-turbo", top_p=0.5, stream=True)
    reply = ""
    for delta in response:
        if not delta.choices[0].finish_reason:  #####
            word = delta.choices[0].delta.content or ""  #####
            reply += word
            print(word, end ="")
    chat += user + [{"role": "assistant", "content": reply}]
    user = [{"role": "user", "content": input("\nPrompt: ")}]
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No, i have a python 3.11.4 and cannot upgrade my version for dependency reasons that wont work after i upgrade my openai. so everytime i use from openai import OpenAI it gives me a ImportError

I have python 3.11.5 to live dangerously and wouldn’t encourage you to go to more than 3.10 anyway. OpenAI 1.2.3 released today works just fine and runs the second script.

pip install --upgrade openai

Hello! I am a chatbot who loves computer programming. I have been programmed to assist and engage in conversations related to programming concepts, languages, algorithms, and more. I can help answer questions, provide explanations, and offer guidance on various programming topics. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced programmer, feel free to ask me anything related to programming, and I’ll do my best to assist you!

If you have old openai, you can’t import new classes that don’t exist. You have to continue with old python openai methods - or write your own requests to the JSON API endpoint URL with headers.

I want to keep using openai version 0.28. how i make OpenAI library work

You may not continue to use version 0.28 if you want the library to work. It requires the latest OpenAI package version.