Hello, is there any way to sign up for the beta of the new assistant feature v2 (specifically looking to generate an api key to call 3rd party apps online)
Thanks in advance
Hello, is there any way to sign up for the beta of the new assistant feature v2 (specifically looking to generate an api key to call 3rd party apps online)
Thanks in advance
You don’t need to make any special sign up.
The version v2 refers to a particular header that must be sent, and there is only one working version of it.
Any “3rd party apps” - if they support OpenAI’s assistants API platform and endpoints - should and would be using the current version of “v2” already as would openai libraries behind the scenes.
Typical OpenAI-calling applications would use Chat Completions however, NOT the multi-call server-side-history Assistants.
Then: don’t provide your API keys to any untrusted parties, any website with “your API key here”.
Do these services charge you anything on top of using your API key?
If not then ask yourself if that lunch is free or if there is some catch or scam going on …
There should be no need for any reputable business to ask you for a key.
It’s in my own computer I’m having trouble getting an APK key that works, it keeps saying invalid key so I was thinking there was a beta sign up.
Thanks for the reply!
Do you know if a pro subscription is required to use the beta?
ChatGPT subscriptions are 100% independent of your API platform account.
The API being completely separate from ChatGPT and subscriptions includes paying separately for services.
If it is the application reporting the issue, it may expect a key to be stored in an OS environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY.
Obsolete software also may try to improperly validate a key, while the key format and length has also been changed.
Determine if it is a 403 server error or other problems with your authentication usage by the software.
Ok thanks! I’ll check on this code … I did prepay for API credits but I’m not sure ai understand the difference between the two services and where to generate the correct key? Is this the admin key they are looking for or a project key? if there is such a thing?
An admin key only works for provisioning an organization, such as deleting API keys by a separate API.
You have to go into a project, like “default project” to start with, and generate a key there for AI model use.