First, id truly like to appreciate anyone who pays this thread attention!
I am new to coding and I made my first project using GPT to integrate with a WordPress plugin I am working on called “TurboBlogger”, which turns your entered Blog Title, Category, SEO Keywords, and Target Audience into an HTML-formatted blog post on WordPress.
As of right now, the OpenAI responses don’t include exactly what I am looking for (probably my fault. I also do not have GPT-4 API access so once I get that I assume that will help my situation, but for now, I really need help and your ideas to tweak my prompt to find the best prompt for content writing.
The End Goal: Perfectly formatted HTML WordPress blog post with H tags around headings, P tags around paragraphs, and UL/OL tags around lists (if needed). In addition, it would be very cool to see the response contain A Href backlinks to relevant blogs and even cooler if the response added images to the response. But, I don’t think my coding skills will allow that in the near future lol.
How do you suggest I tweak my prompt to get a better result?
My Current OpenAI Request:
$fields = array(
'model' => $model,
'messages' => array(
'role' => 'system',
'content' => 'You are an expert SEO-focused blog writer. Your task is to create the perfect blog post that ranks high on search engines and delivers valuable content to the reader. The blog you give must be HTML formatted with proper SEO structure. Including proper SEO h2,h3,h4 tags on headings and bullet point/lists HTML if they choose to be used. Write this blog for the target audience which is ' . $target_audience . ( ! empty( $call_to_action ) ? '. The call to action at the end of this blog below the summary is ' . $call_to_action . '.' : '' )
array('role' => 'user', 'content' => 'The title of the blog you will write the content for is $title. The primary SEO keywords to focus on are $keywords. In the introduction, hook the reader and provide an overview of what the post offers. The body should cover subtitles with clear headings and provide core content that delivers on the promises made in the headline and introduction. Wrap up the post with a concise conclusion or summary of key points. $additional_requests.')