Auto Generated Assistant by receiving answers from whatsapp

Hey im trying to create the following, using the assistant api.
I want to create a simulation of a personal assistant in whatsapp for every business owner that interacts with my whatsapp bot (using manychat).
so basically someone enters the chat and then im asking him if he wants to see my skills as his AI assistant. he answers something (the assistant understands if he is interested in continuing the process or not) then im asking him what is the business name, and what is the services he offer, he answers what he answers and then i start an 8 questions very basic simulation of me being his AI personal assistant.
What do you think i should do in order for this to happen? do i change the assistant’s instructions everytime, or do i create a general assistant and telling him that he needs to understand what to answer based on the chat he is having with someone (thread)?

How did it was? Finally you developed it? I’m also building an Assistant with OpenAI connected to whatsapp, but directly using Whatsapp API CLOUD. My approach is code-based in NodeJS.
Why you choose Manychat?

you keep developing your project?
I already have an app with nodejs, that interacts with an assistant ID of openAi and whatsapp API. I also connect an mysql database to have control of theats and assistant ID.

My next step is to create a dashboard to see all the conversations and phone numbers.

You have time to meet me on zoom to talk about this projects?

You know what else can we do?
I setup an n8n enviroment in digitalocean to use the webhooks and else, but I was looking that we can use the agents AI to make this work too.