API Pricing Page - Show price per 1k tokens toggle broken

Pretty simple issue. On the API pricing page, the toggle to show the pricing per 1k tokens instead of 1 million tokens is broken. Toggling it does not change the pricing display.

Here is a screenshot of the page that illustrates the issue.


Plus: the database-driven pricing in the platform site docs has no 1K option at all.

A bit more thought to find out how much 80k of PDF cost you.


Passed this on. Thanks for reporting.


Thank you for taking the time to report this @MikeG, and thank you for passing this over @PaulBellow! Should have a fix up soon :raising_hands:

Can you also let the appropriate people know that the API page nukes safari on OSX? Very choppy and hits the entire system somehow. Fine on other browsers I’ve used (Firefox, Brave).

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Just shared, thank you!


Hi @MikeG, thank you again for reporting the broken toggle on the API pricing page! This is fixed now.

The “fix” was removing the toggle completely…

Correct! 😅 The API pricing page was redesigned earlier this year and the new version was never intended to have the pricing unit toggle, so we removed it.