Api Assistants price for retrieval
($0.20 / GB / assistant / day) (free until 01/12/2024)
Do we know if the price of each GB will be billed regardless of having less than 1 GB or will it be rounded to 1?
Api Assistants price for retrieval
($0.20 / GB / assistant / day) (free until 01/12/2024)
Do we know if the price of each GB will be billed regardless of having less than 1 GB or will it be rounded to 1?
I don’t know the official position, but I can share that I’ve had about 50 MBs in storage for a month (for assistant retrieval) and I haven’t seen a charge for it in my usage screen.
It should’ve been about 1c per day, but I see no section at all in either of the usage screens.
Payment begins on the 12th
I understand that as with tokens, it is charged based on actual storage and not the total GB, but I think it would be better if we could make sure
The charge is pro-rata, so you will be charge for storage as a fraction of the cost per Gb if you are using less than a gigabyte.
The cost of $0.20 per GB per day is solely for managing uploaded files, but the contents of the files will still be included in the token calculations.
Nobody has seen the charges yet, and the pricing document is extremely ambiguous about this. Nor has further clarification been made.
A longer thread was suggested below this topic with the same speculations and wonderings.
Hello, any update on this topic?