Is there anyone here who have access to GPT4 api 32k? I have a collaboration proposal as I need to sped up a test that would require gpt4 32k
Is there anyone here who have access to GPT4 api 32k? I have a collaboration proposal as I need to sped up a test that would require gpt4 32k
I’m also waiting on 32k. Progress is on hold until 32k arrives.
The cost of 32k tokens appears to be quite high, especially since it is priced per 1k token. Pricing A single call using all 32k tokens will cost approximately $2, which raises questions about the economic viability of using them. It would be intriguing to see any potential strategies to make these calls worthwhile.
Waiting for the 32k access too…
It makes a lot of sense in several cases. Documentation, code fixing and optimization, code commenting and reading large amount of documentation to build new things are a few of the cases I’ll be using it once I get access. Already doing that with the 8k model but the 32k will take it to another level.
If you have a business with a Microsoft Azure account you can apply to get access to GPT-4 through that: https://aka.ms/oai/get-gpt4
Then after you get accepted for that, (could be wrong though) you’d separately apply for 32K access.
Awesome thx!! I heading over and applying right away
I hope that the 32K APIs will be available ASAP.
Do you see any chance that this will happen soon?
I am still waiting. Asked openAI about two weeks ago and did not get a reply. IMHO prompt-size is the most important barrier for LLMs nowadays
I was playing with gpt-4-32k-0613 last night and 3.5 16k as well and it was pretty great, this morning only 3.5 16k works and I have zeor gpt-4 api access when I have had it previously? and paid membership. This happen to anyone, getting their access reverted ? Im just doing stuff with code snippets and not asking bad questions. Or could it just be the gpt-4 is down?