A Call for Interaction: Enabling Creator-Comment Dialogue in the GPT Store

Hi everyone,

As a creator of custom GPTs, I’m excited to be part of this innovative space. Building these tools and seeing how others use them is incredibly rewarding. However, there’s one significant limitation that I believe hinders both creators and users: the inability to directly respond to comments left on our GPTs.

Currently, the commenting system in the GPT Store is a one-way street. Users can provide valuable feedback, suggestions, and even bug reports, but we as creators have no way to engage in a dialogue. This creates several issues:

  • Lost opportunities for clarification: A user might misunderstand a feature or encounter an issue that could be easily resolved with a quick response. Without the ability to reply, we lose the chance to provide immediate support and improve the user experience.
  • Hindered iteration and improvement: Comments are a goldmine of feedback. Being able to ask clarifying questions or acknowledge suggestions would be invaluable for iterating on our GPTs and making them even better.
  • Reduced community engagement: A vibrant community thrives on interaction. By enabling creators to respond to comments, we could foster a more engaging and collaborative environment, where users feel heard and creators can directly connect with their audience.
  • Wasted potential for support and troubleshooting: Comments could become a valuable support channel. Right now, a user reporting a bug can’t be told “we’re working on it” or asked for more details.

Imagine the possibilities if we could reply to comments:

  • We could thank users for their feedback and let them know we’re implementing their suggestions.
  • We could provide quick fixes or workarounds for reported issues.
  • We could engage in discussions about potential new features and gather more detailed feedback.

I believe enabling creator-comment dialogue would be a game-changer for the GPT Store. It would significantly improve the user experience, foster a stronger community, and empower creators to build even better tools.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Do other creators share this concern? What are your experiences with the current commenting system? And what benefits do you see in enabling direct replies?

Let’s start a conversation and hopefully bring this important issue to OpenAI’s attention.

You all take care,


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While it is totally possible to provide an API for the custom GPT to send a note to creator. The feature would be actually cool as a part of standard UI.