MindMac - Better privacy-first, native ChatGPT Desktop for macOS. New: GPT-4-Vision and Internet Browsing

Hey there, looks great, but unfortunately I am still running a Mac Pro 2013 (yes the trashcan one) and the newest OS I can run is 12.7.4. Is there a bit technical blocker to allowing this app to work on my OS?

Thank you for your question! Some of the new macOS APIs arenā€™t quite cooperating with macOS 12 Monterey, so Iā€™ve decided to prioritize support for macOS 13 and higher first. Rest assured, Iā€™ll work on supporting macOS 12 as well in the near future. Stay tuned for updates!

Hello all,

As you may be aware, OpenAI unveiled its groundbreaking GPT-4o model yesterday, marking a significant milestone. This new model boasts both vision and text capabilities, with the promise of audio and video features coming soon. GPT-4o is now available on MindMac v1.9.16, which includes numerous enhancements and new functionalities. Users can also explore audio features in addition to DeepSeek models in this version.

Please read the full change log below.

:rocket: New

  • Added support for OpenAIā€™s new flagship GPT-4o model with vision and text capabilities.
  • Introduced DeepSeek models.
  • Added new models while removing deprecated ones for Perplexity.
  • Implemented Speech to Text feature with support from both OpenAI models and Apple native capability for prompt input.
  • Added support for Text to Speech, allowing users to choose between OpenAI models and Appleā€™s native capability for reading AI responses out loud.
  • Added actions for file upload, allowing audio files to be uploaded for transcription, summarization, translation, and key point extraction.
  • Added support for copying and pasting files (image, audio, document) into prompt editor.

:sparkles: Improved

  • Updated app Settings UI.

:wrench: Fixed

  • Resolved occasional scroll issue causing jumping.
  • Resolved issue of receiving infinite responses from Ollama llama2 model.
  • Fixed issue where the message view was being overlapped when the prompt editor grew in size.
  • Fixed issue that unable to use top_p, top_k parameters with Ollama endpoints.

Letā€™s check it out at here and share your feedback. Thank you all!

Hi everyone,

Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet, Gemini 1.5 Flash & Mistral Codestral models now are available on MindMac v1.9.17. This version also includes several bug fixes and improvements. Please read the full change log below.

:rocket: New

  • Added Gemini 1.5 Flash model and Gemini 1.5 Pro with 2M context length.
  • Introduced Anthropic Claude 3.5 Sonnet and Mistral Codestral models.

:sparkles: Improved

  • Removed the delete button from the top-left corner to prevent accidental deletion of all conversations.

:wrench: Fixed

  • Fixed performance issue when typing very long prompts.
  • Fixed issue max_tokens is too large when use Anthropic Claude 3 models.
  • Fixed issue where the prompt text was not cleared after being sent to the AI provider.
  • Resolved issue with adding Vertex AI at the us-east5 region. Now, when adding the Vertex us-east5 endpoint, use claude-3-opus@20240229 as the input model.
  • Fixed issue where the system and user roles were not alternating correctly with Perplexity models when the first message was from the assistant and context mode was set to the last 5 messages.

Letā€™s check it out at here and share your feedback. Thank you all!

Hi everyone,

MindMac v1.9.18 is now available with several minor updates. Please read the full change log below.

:rocket: New

  • Added support for GPT-4o on OpenAI Azure, includes vision capabilities.

:sparkles: Improved

  • Enhanced overall scrolling experience for better user interaction.

:wrench: Fixed

  • Resolved an issue where the prompt editor failed to display prompt templates when selected from the built-in prompt library.

Letā€™s check it out at here and share your feedback. Thank you all so much!

1 Like

Hi everyone,

As you may know, OpenAI has released GPT-4o Mini model, which is 60% cheaper, smarter & faster than GPT-3.5 Turbo. Now MindMac v1.9.20 already supports this new model. In this version, you also can try with some new models from Mistral, includes NeMo and Codestral Mamba.

Please read the full change log below.

:rocket: New

  • Added support for GPT-4o Mini for OpenAI, includes vision capabilities.
  • Added support for Mistral NeMo & Mistral Codestral Mamba.

:wrench: Fixed

  • Fixed an issue where only the first character of the prompt was submitted when pressing the send button or quick action buttons.

Letā€™s check it out at here and share your feedback. Thank you all!

Is there a way to select text and then open a prompt and for example summarize the selected text in a app?

Hi everyone,

Recently, OpenAI launched two new models: o1 Preview and o1 Mini, which are designed to tackle complex problems more effectively than their predecessors. Now MindMac v1.9.22 already supports these new models. In this version, you also can try with some new models from Groq and Cerebras.

Please read the full change log below.

:rocket: New

  • Introduced new OpenAI models: o1-preview and o1-mini. Please notice that these models are exclusive to Tier 5 users who have spent over $1,000 and 30+ days since first successful payment.
  • Added new models, including LLaMA Guard 3 and LLaVA 1.5 to Groq service. Users can now upload images and ask questions with the LLaVA 1.5 model on Groq.
  • Added support for Cerebras models, further expanding our AI capabilities.

:wrench: Fixed

  • Resolved an issue preventing the addition of new Google AI endpoints.

Letā€™s check it out at here and share your feedback. Thank you all!