Anyone know if video ai (Sora, etc) will ultimately allow you the use of story boards story boards in place of prompts for visual direction?

This is a question for developers, about Future video ai tools. I can’t seem to find the answer anywhere so I’m asking here. I feel like prompts are pretty limited and counterintuitive if you just want to play around with video using visual direction you’ve already worked out. I understand the value of prompts in cleaning up and editing video. Do developers know if it will be possible ? It would be annoying not being able to use your own visual direction. Not being able to skip the trial and error you encounter with prompts if drawing them is simply easier. Does anybody know if Sora, or any other ai platform allow the option to skip prompts and use however many you need?

I think this is already out there, I saw a review on this topic, it seems the Chinese KLING AI does this.

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