"You have Sent too many Messages to the Model, Please try again later" Reason?

I’m kind of new here, but… i somewhat know that they’re are others who have this issue.

I have a GPTPlus (GPT-4) account on my Phone, I have been using it quite diligently.

Although, when i have been using it, the message “You have sent too many message to the model, Please try again later” Pops up sometimes.

Its been kind of disheartening, but… I have sometimes throught that it was the Chat GPT message limit system, although… i thoughts Chat GPT 4 accounts had unlimited messages (with size limits).

I am a little curious about the reasoning behind this message, as it tends to pop up usually when im in the middle of an idea.

Am i getting this message due to a bad network, an overloaded or full catche, or some other reason?

Hoping to find an answer to my question, and hoping to enjoy this online wonderment with others.


Welcome to the community!

By subscribing to a ChatGPT+ account and utilizing GPT-4, you are granted the privilege of unlimited access to GPT-3.5, along with the ability to send up to 40 messages every three hours. Should you be part of a Teams account, this allowance increases to 100 messages within the same timeframe, whereas an Enterprise account affords you an unrestricted number of messages.

I can understand the confusion around this. This is by design, not a flaw. It’s worth noting that you might not always reach the 40-message threshold during peak usage times, as efforts are made to ensure broad accessibility. However, take solace in the fact that your ChatGPT+ membership guarantees swift responses and limitless interactions with ChatGPT-3.5.

I hope that this helps you! (If this answers your questions please click the checkbox beneath this post to mark it as your solution.)

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ChatGPT-4 currently has a limit of 40 conversations per 3 hours. It is not unlimited.

chatGPT is designed to have a limit on the number of messages you can send even if you are a plus account, which may be a deliberate flaw.

I’m paying for plus and I’m still getting this message even for 3.5
I wish that was more visable before i signed up. 40 messages is pretty limited


That specific message usually pops up when you send too many inputs in a very short amount of time. You get a different message for hitting the regular cap (which isnt always 40 these days, as I’ve hit the cap at only 20 messages several times).

I have plus too, and I almost typed a few maybe 3-4 questions before I got this message. I literally never had any warning message from the chatbot while it was using for free for months, but after - paying 20 eur - it is fully unavailable now. what the actually f is goin on ?

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The same thing has happend to me today. I have typed 2 prompts and its saying i’ve hit my limit. What is wrong ?

It shows me that message at 7 message

This is due to the scale and capability of ChatGPT at this time, its not that OpenAI can’t give you unlimited chatting, its that because there are millions of people using it at the same time that you are. There are 3rd party plugging’s that use OpenAI severs/ Microsoft. You are going to get bugs and errors like this as you use the product. Don’t be discourage like any company they understand that new models are trained and more people pay to use the product they will need to allow more conversations to happen. Ram,CPU’s,GPUS,NPU’s, electricity all need to be paid and as scaling happens the cost of allot of this will come down and more conversation will happen. So if you get errors like this just know millions have hit caps and sometimes below your threshold but hopefully they can address this sooner and later.

Hello everyone, I loved coming across this forum, very interesting. I have this problem that the chat freezes and I can’t continue “conversing” and I didn’t know there were limitations. How can I download all the information from that chat? Hope you can help me best

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I wish it had un-limited access to everyone. Hope soon there will be no restrictions. The AI app. system has very large room for development. Like searching evaluating certain files by linking it to Whatsapp, Emails, Dropbox and all other applications.

You have sent too many messages to the model. Please try again later.