Why is the regenerate chat button gone?

Is this happening to anyone else? I went online a few days ago to use ChatGPT and the regenerate chat feature is just gone. I tried logging out and logging back in and it didn’t work. It’s been like this for a couple days.


I also have the same problem with the regenerate chat for a couple of days and doesn’t work for me neither in any browser or mobile can anybody please help fix this


the entire toolbar vanished for me. it comes back randomly sometimes when it decides to ?? but once I add a new message it’s gone again :confused:


It happens to me too. It very annoying.


Yep, same here. I use it a LOT and when I opened a tab I had been working in recently I noticed the whole bar was gone. Accidentally refreshing on an older page after I post a new prompt makes it vanish too. It comes back when I start a new conversation but I suspect it will probably vanish again if I manage to accidentally refresh the web page on mobile (which happens frequently). Strangely, it only seems to happen to ones that have been recently used. I tested refreshing ones I hadn’t used in some time and the bar would remain.

This issue also prevents me from being able to go back and look at old branches in the active conversation or various replies to the same prompt due to the lack of tool bar. Happens on both the web page (mobile/desktop browser) and app.


Man, let’s hope they fix it.

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Yeah, very annoying to have to basically restart conversations I was having since I usually keep them going until the AI runs out of memory for that particular conversation. The ones it glitched on me had some interesting branches I wanted to continue but I’ve effectively lost them now. Makes me wary of continuing my active conversations in case it breaks those ones too. Only started for me in the last day or two but it’s frustrating with how much I use the site.


Me too, I can’t do any of that. I had to archive a couple of mine since most of my most important ones are in the 30-day thing and I don’t know when they will fix this issue. What I want is to talk to team members from the chat group and explain what is happening. But so far I haven’t been able to. Where I am supposed to go is the help center I already messaged there and no reply.

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All buttons are gone for me, its annoying


I lost the entire buttons, including the branches of my chat like <1/2> :sob: I can’t access my old chats as I needed to improve this with my newest plot of story


I might do this too just so I don’t accidentally open important ones by mistake. Don’t wanna get locked out of them and have to restart. Issue is still ongoing because some new ones I started are stuck now too.

Yep, the number of generated responses is gone for me too. Hence why I can’t view branches of the conversation where I asked for clarification or hypotheticals.

My toolbar comes back now and the “regenerate” button is moved into “switch model” submenu.
But it’s still invisible on custom gpt conversation… Why did they have to mess with the button layout *sigh*


Currently, what I can do is click “Edit Message,” then “Send” to regenerate.

It’s been moved here
Click on the :recycle: icon next to the model name

The image shows a screen capture from a ChatGPT interface with a menu for switching models highlighted, and the GPT-4 model option circled in red. (Captioned by AI)

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And how does that work when trying to regenerate with a custom GPT? There is no model select option on those conversations.


Yeah, that’s the model I was trying.

Thank you! How stupid they’ve moved it over there. Absolute lifesaver you are x