Why has the model type selection in the API disappeared?

I remember when I created the API key, there was a choice of model type, and I chose 3.5 TURBO, why I entered the interface now, and the choice of model type disappeared when I created the API?

Thank you.

model is attached to the code not the api key. Maybe org API keys have model blockers but all api keys from what I have worked with allow all models and your code has the model selection. What most likely happened is the model you were using is discontinued as its been replaced with a new model. example GPT3.5 models are no more they have been replaced by GPT4o and GPT4o-mini (mini would be the direct replacement for the cheapest solution to replace GPT3.5 models in the code)

hope this helps :slight_smile:

An API key created within a project and with “You” as owner (not a service key) gives you the rights permissions to select endpoints to disable.

If you want to enable or disable particular models, that is done on a per-project basis, and not allowed on the default project.

At the upper left of the UI, pick your org and your project.
Then pick the settings gear, and go to the second side bar entry for “limits”, under project heading.

Then you might be reacquanted with what you expect, “select models” under an “allow or block models”.

However, it is currently broken, no model selection is coming up. A new “verification” system is being added and appearing, information required of you, and likely the code change broke this, as there is no point to a selection “block models”, an impression of a toggle that all models are blocked, but it is supposed to load a list of models.

I’m permanently done creating projects to see if it works on a new one.