Can I enable some models for API key?


A developer is using our API key to make development. To prevent he from using expensive models, such as gpt-4, I want to only enable the cheap one gpt-3.5-turbo. Is that possible?

If you have a developer that has access to your API key, they have access to all of the models, there is no way to restrict that with the system as it stands.

This is not possible at this time any API key you create gas access to all of the models you can use.

That would be nice. Some more usefulness of API keys has been suggested as a possibility.

Let me fire your imagination…

Individual API Key Configuration

API key …35a3L

Key Expiration

Automatic expiration Expiration date Re-enable? Total Limit
:white_check_mark: Enabled 2024-03-30 :arrow_forward: :arrow_down: $100

Default Policy

Allow Deny Group Member Only
:red_square: Allowed :white_check_mark: Denied :red_square: Members

Key Rights

model allowed (all) allowed (group) group members limit current
GPT-3.5-turbo-1106 :white_check_mark: :red_square: none :arrow_down: $50.00 $3.50
GPT-3.5-turbo :red_square: :white_check_mark: members :arrow_down: disabled $7.22
GPT-3.5-turbo-16k :red_square: :red_square: none :arrow_down: $20.00 $1.21
GPT-3.5 Turbo fine-tune :red_square: :white_check_mark: members :arrow_down: disabled $0.00
GPT-4-1106-preview :red_square: :white_check_mark: members :arrow_down: $30.00 $12.88
GPT-4 :red_square: :white_check_mark: members :arrow_down: $40.00 $1.17
babbage-002 base :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: members :arrow_down: $10.00 $0.00
ft:babbage-002:comp:38aa1134 :red_square: :red_square: none :arrow_down: blocked $0.00
davinci-002 base :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: members :arrow_down: $10.00 $0.00
ft:davinci-002:comp:38n5h353 :red_square: :white_check_mark: members :arrow_down: disabled $0.00
add :arrow_down:

Do we have an update on this? This would be super valuable. @_j

You now have an option to modify which models a specific key can access.

I still don’t see the details when I create a new secret key. Could you provide more information? Thanks.

At the top of the box when you make a new one, you can click on Limit’s to change its model access.


It’s actually in project settings,*************************/limits

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Do you mean this? @grandell1234

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You cannot limit the models an API key can use directly.

Rather you limit the models a project can use which has the same effect as limiting the models available to an API key when you’re using a project key for that particular project.