Why file upload does not accept mp4 files?

When I try to file upload a video file foo.mp4 programmatically, I get error:

“Invalid file format video/mp4. Supported formats: "c", "cpp", "css", "csv", "docx", "gif", "html", "java", "jpeg", "jpg", "js", "json", "md", "pdf", "php", "png", "pptx", "py", "rb", "tar", "tex", "ts", "txt", "webp", "xlsx", "xml", "zip"”,
“param”: null,

However, in ChatGPT textbox, I can upload the same video file. In fact, gpt-4o is even able to analyze the contents of the video - nice !

Is the API “behind” the Chatgpt interface ?


Hello Sean, depending on what you need to do you can try to upload the frames then the audio. You can analyse the audio using whisper

Loading frames is cumbersome and it doesnt tel the whole story of the Video - its at best a stop gap measure for now. Why is it that if I loaded the Video via chatpgpt text interface with the file icon option, I can load a mp4 file and it does analyze it contents decently well. Why is that not available via the API?

ChatGPT is a whole product. The API is not the API for ChatGPT. The API is intended for devs to create their own products/services. Anyway, OpenAI will probably enable uploading video in the future when gpt-4o realizes its full modal potential.

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