When Chat GPT generates code... Run it through a linter

chatgpt just checked over code by request and it missed when it was telling me that my function was good…it missed an indentation error if you ran all output code through a linter and just saved errors to a list and you know automatically sent that data no matter what and no matter what made chat G P T process it and relay that to you that would make your system stronger


That’s basically what copilot is

Which model did you use?

4o Like always… do you understand what my post was about basically you know how in visual studio code it will automatically point out syntax errors and indentation errors by underlining it

that’s what I was thinking it would It would make gpt way stronger if whenever it was Checking code like when you gave it code and said did I write this right or is there any errors in this

when it’s doing that then automatically run It’s through a linter and save everything that the linter picks up to a dictionary and then when GPT is crafting its message to you give it all that so it’s right in the forefront of its memory…every issue that’s really in the code

it’s it’s super simple to do this and if that was implemented then when I asked it these things it Would not miss Indentation errors or syntax errors like that ever… if it helps I was writing python code… Thanks for your reply

And this is another genius idea I haven’t had any issues with this that I know of but used to with GPT 4…not 4o… But just in case… When you ask gpt after it makes a fix in your code to compare it with the original and verify that none of the original code was changed apart from the fixes if you just added functionality like WINMERGE to actually compare the code line by line with something as strong as that then save all the changes to a dictionary… Then gave that to the GAN while it’s crafting your response… then you would be more assured that the comparison was done perfectly… See we have AI here but we also have other tools that we could use to accentuate it that are proven…

Also whenever you tell it to fix code you can have a little box you know that comes up under the fixes that you click that shows you like a winmege output of all the differences between the original and the fix… And of course make this a tickable option so people that are on GPT for other reasons don’t have to see it