What should we expect from the GPT 3.5/4 fine-tuning API

As we know OpenAI will be releasing the API for fine-tuning GPT 3.5/4 later this year.

I’m wondering what the API is likely to be. Do people anticipate the same kind of simple prompt -> answer training data that the current fine-tuning API uses? Or is it likely there will also be ways to train the model on plain text in an unsupervised way, train it on full conversation trees, etc…

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I’m guessing you will define a JSONL file, similar to fine tuning right now, but with User/Assistant pairs, with System being optional. I doubt full conversation trees, or unsupervised, but who knows.

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What is impossible to predict but is ominous is the amount of tuning they could leave in. A double edged-sword, as conversational competency is almost expected now (and such assumptions of instruction following the usual failure in understanding what a fine-tune base GPT-3 model can do), but it also could put potential applications in jail.


Yeah, all these GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 models have a large amount of fine-tuning on top of them. I can see why it’s not an option right now. (fine-tune some other fine-tune?)

Maybe if they have base GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 models available, then they will essentially create a similar layer, but only off your fine-tuned inputs. That would be cool!

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That’s exactly what I’m expecting. For me ideally, the API would be essentially just adding more knowledge to the instruct models.

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