What languages does the API support when creating an image from text?

What languages does the API support when creating an image from text? And how accurate the match will be if you make a request in another language.

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It will work in any language, I believe, because on the backend it will be translated to English. I’m not sure on how accurate, but from what I’ve heard, there are some issues to look out for…


I’m guessing you mean “natural language” here and not “programming language”, right?

Either way, @PaulBellow 's answer sums it up well.

I only say this because I actually found out that making OpenAI API calls are language agnostic in terms of “programming” languages too. Although do yourself a favor, and look for community supported API calls before you try to make your own call from scratch :rofl:

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No, I’m not talking about a programming language, if you make a generation request in a language other than English, or does the request only execute in English, does it not support other languages?

DALL-E 2 gives you imagery generated directly from the input prompt. As you can imagine, the quality diverges quickly when you get to less-common languages.

DALL-E 3 places an AI model between you and the image creator, even on the API. Besides rewriting prompts to “conform”, it will translate them into English, as mentioned above. You can receive the language that was actually used for image generation on the API.