What is the url for OCR.chat available on chatgpt

I have tried ocr.chat through chatgpt interface. I now would like to use it through API. But I cannot find the right URL. How do I chat with this gpt through HTTP requests?

What is an ocr task? You provide an image and ask gpt to return the bar code value on it?

It is called OCR on chatgpt web interface (one of the GPTs). But it can understand the context of the image as well as text or barcode. So it is some combination of vision models and ocr.

GPTs that are for other ChatGPT Plus customers are not accessible outside of the paid chatbot.

Consider that the GPT may use actions - calls to a developer’s backend where they perform the OCR task on demand.

Then you want to use the 3rd party developer’s server resources to make your own product?

Summary: GPTs have no API to access them. You would have to write your own AI software solution that performs all the coding tasks that GPT-4-vision models can’t do alone by asking about an image.

Got it, I thougt everything is running on OpenAI backend. Thanks!

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