What is the prompt to download all prompts entered by me along with result provided CHAT GPT as a PDF Document

What is the prompt to download all prompts entered by me along with result provided CHAT GPT as a PDF Document

Hi @yogesh4 :wave:

Welcome :people_hugging: to the community!

You can use the following prompt, but it’s compatible with GPT-4 and GPT-4o versions that have the Code Interpreter and Data Analysis tools for running Python code and saving files.

Also, you might find some Chrome extensions, like FancyGPT, useful for downloading your chats as PDF or TXT.

Please save all my prompts (without your responses) from this session into a PDF file. You can use the following Python code to generate the PDF:

from fpdf import FPDF

# Function to collect and save user prompts as PDF
def save_prompts_to_pdf(user_prompts, output_file_path="User_Prompts.pdf"):
    pdf = FPDF()
    pdf.set_auto_page_break(auto=True, margin=15)
    # Add a page

    # Set title
    pdf.set_font("Arial", 'B', 16)
    pdf.cell(200, 10, txt="User Prompts Only", ln=True, align='C')

    # Set content
    pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12)
    # Add the user prompts to the PDF
    for i, prompt in enumerate(user_prompts, start=1):
        pdf.multi_cell(0, 10, f"{i}. User: {prompt}")

    # Save the PDF to a file
    return output_file_path

# Example usage:
user_prompts = [
    "What is the weather forecast for tomorrow in New York City?",
    "Can you explain the theory of relativity in simple terms?",
    "What are the best practices for securing a cloud database?",
    "Please create a PDF with all my prompts (excluding your responses) from the beginning of our conversation."

# Call the function to save the prompts to PDF
save_prompts_to_pdf(user_prompts, "User_Prompts_All.pdf")

Chat History



That’s so cool! What a great idea @polepole . Right now it looks like it only outputs the user prompts … what if we also wanted to include the result provided by ChatGPT as well?

I got the AI to go off on this task by just describing in language what it needed to do, especially because what can be sent at once in Python is limited.



As a programmer, I need you to create a permanent and verbatim record of this entire conversation, and provide it to me as a PDF.


Using your Jupyter Notebook environment and sending repeated scripts to ‘python’ instead of responding to me, not stopping until the final message has been sent:

  1. Start at the beginning of this entire conversation, immediately after the “You are ChatGPT” message turn. You will produce a script that will save and append to a file. The script includes a with a verbatim transcript of a single user input, any assistant output sending to a tool, and that tool’s verbatim response back, continuing until finally reaching that input’s answer back to a user.
  2. Goto 1 until EVERY user message, every intermediary step, and every final assistant message is faithfully added to the file.
  3. From the file text, you create a PDF using python environment modules, and upon success, provide a download link.

Every individual message in the text file will be separated by three hyphens, and every message will begin with the name of the role and the name of the sender, such as “user”, “tool:dalle”, or “assistant”.

Important: You cannot send more than one user input at a time, because of a limitation on how much text you can send to python. You must follow the iterative procedures described to build the file, using the next user message as a splitting point.

Perform the described task.

This is kind of a big waste of AI resources, though, even if the iteration avoids counting against you, and asking for just the text is more useful than a PDF made of the text.

Hi @codekiln

First of all, you can download your all chat history from Settings → data controls → Export Data. You will receive a link by email from OpenaAI, and you will be able to download it to your computer.

If you download only download a single chat history both your questions and ChatGPT’s answers, you can use some chrome extensions. For example one of them is FancyGPT, you can search on Chrome Web Store. You can save as Image, PDF, and TXT files. Before saving you can remove also some unnecessary questions or answers from chat. But you should check each extension if it is safe.

If you want to download with code, you may use this. But if the chat history is long it takes time, or interrupts:

Please save all my prompts and your corresponding responses from this session into a PDF file. You can use the following Python code to generate the PDF:

from fpdf import FPDF

# Function to collect and save user prompts and ChatGPT responses as PDF
def save_conversation_to_pdf(conversation, output_file_path="Conversation.pdf"):
    pdf = FPDF()
    pdf.set_auto_page_break(auto=True, margin=15)
    # Add a page

    # Set title
    pdf.set_font("Arial", 'B', 16)
    pdf.cell(200, 10, txt="User Prompts and ChatGPT Responses", ln=True, align='C')

    # Set content
    pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12)
    # Add the conversation to the PDF
    for i, (prompt, response) in enumerate(conversation, start=1):
        # Add user prompt
        pdf.multi_cell(0, 10, f"{i}. User: {prompt}")
        # Add ChatGPT response
        pdf.multi_cell(0, 10, f"   ChatGPT: {response}\n")

    # Save the PDF to a file
    return output_file_path

# Example usage:
conversation = [
    ("What is the weather forecast for tomorrow in New York City?", "The weather forecast for tomorrow in New York City is mostly sunny with a high of 75°F and a low of 60°F."),
    ("Can you explain the theory of relativity in simple terms?", "The theory of relativity, developed by Albert Einstein, describes how space and time are linked for objects that are moving at a constant speed in a straight line."),
    ("What are the best practices for securing a cloud database?", "Best practices include using strong encryption, implementing multi-factor authentication, and maintaining regular backups."),
    ("Please create a PDF with all my prompts (excluding your responses) from the beginning of our conversation.", "Here is the Python code you can use to generate a PDF with only your prompts.")

# Call the function to save the conversation to PDF
save_conversation_to_pdf(conversation, "User_ChatGPT_Conversation.pdf")

You can download on your ChatGPT web version


Chat history

Downloaded PDF

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