We ran into an issue while signing you in, please take a break and try again soon. - ChatGPT Plus member

Same problem today.
Both Safari and Edge for Mac can’t work. iOS app works.

Same question today.
Chrome can’t work.

Same issue today. Tried several times on different browsers and mode. None helps.
Plz do something. I am using paid account.

Same problem now.
Failed to log in several times and waited for a fix.

It’s still down for me. Been trying to access CGPT for over 3 hours now.

Same problem now.

Failed to log in several times and waited for a fix.

This situation is unbelievable…
Since this morning it is IMPOSSIBLE to connect and I have a paid account.

Same Problem for me. I haven’t been able to log in via Chrome browser since this morning. It’s been more than 3 hours. I can login via iPhone app.


We ran into an issue while signing you in, please take a break and try again soon."

I have same issue since this morning.


yeah I am also facing this problem since this morning. But what does Elon Sithapa doing? Do something @abs2experts @kevin_kct

Same here, and I’m on the Plus membership. Honestly, it’s been so buggy for me lately =_=


Same here, and I also on Plus membership :frowning:


Same here with the log-in problem. I was using it since morning, then two hours ago I suddenly started to got errors in the chat, then logged out and haven’t been able to log back in again.

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There are some Status issues:
Screenshot 2023-11-08 at 8.43.48 AM

“Something went wrong. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at help.openai.com.”

Wygląda na to że wszystko wróciło właśnie do normy.

i got same issue for 2 day. I can not login as a plus member

I have the same problem.
Chrome Browser.
When I login with my Paid account I get an error.
When I login with my Free account it works fine.

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I am experiencing the same problem. I haven’t been able to log in via the Chrome browser for 24 hours, just like you did.


Our systems are a bit busy at the moment. Please take a break and try again soon.