Uploading scanned pdf results in error


This is definitely weird, I am uploading a scanned pdf and getting: “No text could be extracted from this file.”

I understand that since this is scanned there’s most likely no test, but can’t chatpdf accept it and read it as an image or something so I can ask about it?

Paulo Matos


Same issue here. I know it can do image-to-text so probably a missing implementation when trying to read PDF as it assumes all PDFs are text based.

Seems to be a lot of issues these days. Can’t read scanned PDFs, can’t browse, typing issues when using the app and so on and so on… I’m frustrated…

I have been recently been having the same issue. It was working a couple weeks ago but all of a sudden it stopped reading the same pdfs it was reading. Hopefully, there is a fix soon.

I also have scanned images within my pdf along with some text, the file batching completes successfully, but when I ask data which is within the scanned images, then It don’t answer.

Tried uploading the pdf with scanned images only and the file batch processing just stopped, also tried converting the scanned images with online ocr tools and but gives the same response, if you guys have any update on this, Please let me know