Unpaid internship for high schooler

I am an 11th grade student from Paris and I would like to gain work experience from an unpaid internship at OpenAI, if possible in the Paris branch.

I have 5years of Python/C++ experience.

I would like to know if this kind of internship is possible.
If that’s the case, how long can it be ?
Where can it be done ?
What can I do to be taken in ?

Thank you in advance for your advice.


Hi Zakmut,

Internships are listed on the https://openai.com/careers/ website when they are available, you can also check OpenAI social media as they usually announce when such openings are available.


You deserve to get paid man unpaid internships are like slavery. I hope you get it the best of luck to you.


Hello Foxalabs,
First off, thank you for answering.
However, my problem is not the availability of internships, but rather if it’s even possible for a 16yr old kid in high school.
Do you know if this kind of internship is done ?
Thank you

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