Unknown model 'gpt-4o-mini'

I have been getting the “Unknown model ‘gpt-4o-mini’” error for the last 12 hours. This is happening with python OpenAI package, Openwebui and Langflow as well. Openwebui and Langflow are defaulting to the 3.5 turbo. I am tier1.

Further proof from OpenAI platform chat playground. gpt-4o-mini is selected and it responds to confirm that gpt-3 is in use (not even 3.5, it was 3.5-turbo earlier) even though 4o-mini is selected.

Welcome to the community!

ChatGPT can and does make mistakes. :wink:

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Only further proof that you haven’t specified the identity, role, job, purpose of the AI for the application you are building . You don’t ask it what it is. You tell it what it is. It says welcome to Jose’s Tacos, not welcome to OpenAI.

But it’s not even a mistake. That’s actually somewhat true. It is based on GPT 3 technology … and some. :wink:

It’s not trained to know the model designation, that’s something you can only rely upon at the API level, but may have been injected into prompts … but probably very inconsistently.