Unable to Use My CustomGPT Beyond Configuration/Preview Mode


I’ve been experiencing an issue with two of my CustomGPTs. I have three in total, all set to private. Two of them are stuck in the configuration/preview mode, and I can’t use them with the regular chat function. However, my third one, SleepyZZZ, which I created three weeks ago, works perfectly and can be used without any issues.

I also have a Plus subscription, so I assume that shouldn’t be the limitation. I’ve attached screenshots that shows the problem with the two CustomGPTs.

Has anyone else encountered this or know what might be causing the issue? Is there something specific I should check to get them working properly?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Try reverting to a early state, if that don’t work make a copy useing duplicate, if that don’t work make a new GPT just copy paste instructions from the old one to the new one.