Unable to Delete Failed File in Vector Store


I’m experiencing an issue with the OpenAI Dashboard’s vector store. Here’s the problem I encountered:

  1. I uploaded a file to the vector store, and the API returned a processed status.

  2. However, when I list the files in the vector store, the file appears with a failed status.

  3. I attempted to delete the file, but the deletion action fails, and the file remains in the list.

This results in a mismatch between the file’s reported processed status during the upload and its actual failed state in the vector store.

Could you please help me resolve this issue or confirm if this is a known bug?

Let me know if further details or logs are required.

Thank you!
Attached below is a git containing the vector store files that cannot be deleted:
Screen Recording 2024-12-18 at 10.39.12 PM

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I have the same problem. I uploaded a file that was 25mb and had a + in the filename. I’m not sure if it broke because there were more than 5 million tokens or filename issues.
Cannot delete through web UI.

You can try deleting by the API itself. First list files, obtaining file names to match up with the returned file IDs, then send a delete API call for the ID.

Here’s a basic Python utility for doing that. It is hard-coded for purpose:assistants. And doesn’t employ pretty pagination if you have 10000 files to list out.

I don’t think I’d want to do that, I’d prefer an official fix for the bug.

Regardless, the files seem to have cleaned themselves up eventually anyway.