Tracking API usage of gpt-4-0125-preview model

We recently switched our API call from the gpt-4-1106-preview to the gpt-4-0125-preview model
We are doing extensive testing of the new model but the API usage and cost statistics are not registering on the usage dashboard although our previous model gpt-4-1106-preview IS registering cost and usage statistics.

Is anybody testing the gpt-4-0125-preview model and if so, are you seeing usage state on you r OpenAI dashboard?


Are you aware that on “activity”, you need to click the dropdown of “models”, and then select those you want to see?


The spending and usage otherwise is co-mingled between models as simply “GPT-4 Turbo” and not discernible except by entire day, making verification and holding OpenAI accountable fruitless.

That did it!
Thank you for pointing that out.
We appreciate it=!

One other thing that I really like is to make sure you enable ‘Threads’ under Settings. Then you can see each Thread that ran AND you can see (top right) the tokens used for a specific thread.

If you belive a post is the solution to your question, please click the solutions button that looks similar to a checkbox.