I’m not seeing cost calculation for my gpt-4-1106-preview/gpt-4-vision-preview in my usage dashboard. Is that to be expected? The cost for these models does show up on my pending invoice, so it’s definitely being charged.
You’ll need to go to activity with the upper-left toggle on the usage page, and then in a models dropdown on the right, select all the other models hidden.
Overcoming reluctance and objection through creative data hiding?
Thanks! That was helpful for toggling the usage itself but I’m still not seeing the cost of that model usage in the “Cost” tab.
Hi! GPT-4 is appearing under the Cost tab, but not under the Activity tab for token usage monitoring. Furthermore, in the Activity tab, it is not available for selection under the Model filter in the top right corner of the dashboard.
Does anyone know how to resolve this?
GPT-4 in the primary usage page is now appearing as “other models”.
In the activity drop-down, only models that have been employed - and for which the usage endpoint is returning correct data - will show in the listing. GPT-4 will be by the specific dated model that is used, gpt-4-0613
if using the alias.
There’s been problems recently starting before the weekend, where some usage isn’t showing up at all - a much better problem than the purchased credits not showing up at all, and causing auto-recharge.
I hope that gives resolution, or at least consolation.
Yep, I’m seeing GPT-4-0613 under the Activity tab for API calls using GPT-4, but no activity data appear if I use the APIs with GPT-4o (which is displayed separately under the cost tab)…